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Wei Zongyou


Professor, Ph.D., Fudan University
Research Interests:American security and foreign policy; American Domestic Politics; Sino-U.S. Relations; Global Governance.


Dr. Wei is Professor of Center for American Studies, Fudan University. He received his M.A. International History and Ph.D. in International Relations from Nanjing University and Fudan University in 1998 and 2004, respectively. From July 2004 to September 2014, he worked at the Institute of International and Diplomatic Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University and was Vice Dean of the Institute. In 2008-2009, he was a Fulbright Advanced Researcher at Government Department, Georgetown University.

Dr. Wei’s research interests cover American security and foreign policy, American domestic politics, Sino-U.S. Relations, and Global Governance. Dr. Wei is the author of In the Shadow of Hegemony: Strategic Choices (Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2010), co-authored U.S. Foreign Policy During Johnson’s Administration (Shanghai Publishing House, 2009), and co-edited Emerging Economies and International Relations (University of International Business and Economics Press, 2013). He also published dozens of articles and book chapters in leading Chinese journals.

U.S. Strategic Vision and Security Arrangement in the Indo-Pacific Region and Its Implications
U.S. Cultural Policy Since the End of the Cold War
The Rise of Emerging Powers and the Reform of Global Governance Regimes
Major Powers and Diplomacy

Books (Monograph and Translation):
In the Shadow of Hegemony: Strategic Choices
U.S. Foreign Policy During Johnson’s Administration
Emerging Economies and International Relations

  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  A Study of the U.S. Security Arrangements in the Indo-Pacific
  The evolution of the ‘QUAD’: driving forces, impacts, and prospects
  The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and China-U.S. Strategic Competition
  Status Anxiety and U.S. Strategic Competition with China
  The Biden Administration's American Foreign Policy for the Middle Class and China-U.S. Relations
  ASEAN Centrality in the Indo-Pacific and the Challenges of U.S.-ASEAN Relations
  The Trump Administration's Indo-Pacific Strategic Vision and Its Impact on Regional Order
  China-U.S. Strategic Competition, the U.S. Status Anxiety and Donald J. Trump Administration's Strategic Adjustment toward China
  Strategic Anxiety and the Evolving Perceptions and Policies of the U.S. towards China’s Belt and Road Initiatives
  China Dream vs America First: Is the Thucydides Trap Unavoidable?
  The U.S. Perceptions of China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative and China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition
  The 2017 National Security Strategy of the United States of America and the Prospect of China-U.S. Relations
  The Preliminary Analysis of the Trump Administration's South China Sea Policy
  The Relationship Between Great Powers in the Trump Era: U.S.-Russia, U.S.-India, and China-U.S.
  The Image of China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative by U.S. Media
  Australia’s Strategic Perceptions of China: Hedging or Balancing?
  Evolving U.S. South China Sea Policy and China-U.S. Co-Existence in the Asia-Pacific
  South China Sea and New Mentality for Responding to Such Changes
  The Challenges of Multiculturalism and U.S. Responses
  Interpreting Obama Administration's South China Sea Policy
  East Asia after World War Ⅱ: Historical Evolution and Transition Bottleneck
  Australia's Hedging Strategy on China
  Obama's New Deal for Immigration: Action Motivation and Dilemma
  US's Quadruple Dilemma about Security Layout in India-Pacific Region
  China-U.S. Reconciliation and the East Asian Security Order
  The Democratization of International Relations: Chinese Perspective
  US's Rebalance to East Asia and The Effect to China
  U.S. Strategic Vision and Security Arrangement in the Indo-Pacific Region and Its Implications
  Colonial System, Post-Colonial System, and the Rise of Great Powers
  The Rise of Em Powers as a Group and the Global Governance Reform
  The Transformation of International System, China-U.S.Cooperation v.s. Competition, and the Building of New-Model of Major Powers Relaions
  The Failed States Issue froom the Perspective of Humanitarian Intervention Theory
  Just War Theory and the Humanitarian Intervention
  U.S. Rebalancing to Asia and Its Implication to East Asian Order
  International Agenda Setting: A Theoretical Framework
  Informal Grouping, the Concert, and Global Governance
  The Group Rise of the Emerging Powers and Global Governance Reform
  The Rise of Emerging Powers as a Group and the Global Governance Reform
  Informal Grouping, the Concert, and Global Governance
  Cultural Anarchy and Balancing
  Managing Nuclear Proliferation: Chinese and American Approaches to North Korea
  From the Back is Seen the Future: An Analysis of the Bush National Space Policy
  U.S. National Security Strategy: Theoretic Debates and Practice
  Revisiting Revisionist State
  China's Multi-lateral Diplomacy
  China’s New Diplomacy: Domestic Transformation, External Changes and International Order
  Interpreting Revisionist State: Concept, Creteria, and Implications
  The Transformation of US-Cambodian Relations after the Geneva Conference, 1954-1960
  In the Shadow of Hegemony: Strategic Choices
  Power, Soft Power and Image
  Strategic Choice under the Shadow of Hegemony
  Failed States and International Order
  Alternative Interpretation of the Balancing of Hegemony
  Dilemma in Balancing Hegemony
  Realism and George W. Bush's Foreign Policy
  Balance, Follow, and International Politics after the Cold War
  Collective Action Problem and the Balancing of Hegemony
  Review of Offense-Defense Balance
  Alternative Interpretation of the Origins of Major Wars
  The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and its Impacts on Asia-Pacific Order
  Remedial action required , 24-04-02
  Sea of peace , 23-10-30
  China decries US sanctions on Chinese firms, individuals , 23-09-27
  More US tariff exclusions for China urged , 23-09-07
  Outcomes of US official's visit seen as sincerity test , 23-08-28
  In-depth trade talks with US likely next week , 23-08-25
  Why does Jim Banks discourage UN probe of US human rights abuses? , 23-08-05
  The chips are down , 23-07-28
  US will only turn itself into a global ‘drug den’ by scapegoating China , 23-07-03
  Looking at the 'Indo-Pacific' in 2023 , 23-01-18
  Experts: India not alone in difficulties lying ahead for IPEF , 22-09-21
  With disruptive intent , 22-09-14
  All for the US, nothing for others , 22-09-01
  For hegemony not shared prosperity , 22-07-22
  Why does Jim Banks discourage UN probe of US human rights abuses? , 22-07-22
  Will ‘Patriot Party’ save Trump’s political future? , 21-01-25
  High time for Washington to change course for better ties with Beijing , 21-01-20
  Will there be dramatic changes with Biden's China policy? , 20-08-31
  Would John Bolton's departure signify the Trump administration's foreign policy change in the U.S.? (Interview) , 19-09-19
  Would the 2018 U.S. mid-term elections be the nightmare scenario for President Trump? , 18-11-06
  Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit: A New "Reset" of U.S.-Russia Bilateral Ties?(Interview) , 18-07-05
  Opinion: Do Turnbull and Trump share a 'common language'? , 18-02-26
  What has Donald Trump accomplished in the first year of his presidency? , 18-01-25
  Trump's Trip to Asia and the Configuration of U.S. Policy towards Asia , 17-11-02
  Why "outsiders" strike a bonanza in the U.S. Election Campaign? , 16-05-12
  China’s Maritime Trap , 15-10-24
  Sino-US Cooperation to Promote the Global Governance System , 15-09-22
  China-US Relations: Ripe for Rivalry? , 15-09-21
  Xi-Obama Meeting would Advance the New Model of Sino-U.S. Major Power Relationship , 15-09-21
  Xi-Obama Meeting: Vitality to the New Model of Sino-U.S. Major Power Relationship , 15-09-20
  Security Governance: A New Space among Sino-U.S. Global Cooperation , 15-09-20
  China-U.S. Relations: Will It Turn for the Better? , 15-09-15
  Who is the Spoiler of the South China Sea , 15-06-11
  A New Model for China-US Relations? , 14-11-10
  China's Multilateral Diplomacy during the Last 60 Years: Achievements and Challenges , 14-11-05
  China-U.S. Reconciliation and the East Asian Security Order , 14-07-18
  China-U.S. Relations: The Myth of Thucydides Trap , 14-03-30
  Interpreting Putin’s Decision , 14-03-23
  First Lady Diplomacy: The Message to China , 14-03-19
  Ukraine Crisis: Can China Be More Helpful? , 14-03-14
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.