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The Center for American Studies (CAS), established in 1985, is one of the major research institutions for American studies in China. Prof. Xie Xide, the late President of Fudan University and founding director of the CAS, made unusual contributions to the establishment and development of the Center.

  In December 2000, the CAS was designated by the Chinese Ministry of Education as one of the key research institutes of the Humanities and Social Sciences in China, focusing on American studies. The Ministry of Education and Fudan University have provided financial support to the CAS ever since.

  The CAS has been greatly facilitated by support from the American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) program under the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID). This support has been applied through the Fudan Foundation in Washington, D.C., which has also established a "Xie Xide Scholarship", in memory of her tremendous efforts for friendship between China and the United States.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.