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I Collections

   The CAS library is the repository for a large collection of materials on American studies. Supported by the University, the Fudan Foundation, American institutions such as the Liberty Bell Foundation, and American individuals like late Theodore H. White, renowned American political scientist, and Nelson Yuan-sheng Kiang of MIT and Harvard University, the CAS library now has:

   Books in English: 35,000 volumes
   Books in Chinese: 15,000 volumes
   Journals in English: 41 kinds
   Newspapers in English: 3 kinds
   Journals in Chinese: 82 kinds
   Newspapers in Chinese: 23 kinds
   The CAS has also an Arms Control Information Center.

   The library has made it its consistent policy to have all the collections accessible to the faculty members and students on the campus. Researchers outside the University are also welcome to the library for their reading and research.

II Open Time

   Mon. Wed. Thu. Fri. 8:30 ~ 16:30
   Tue 08:30 ~ 11:30

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.