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The U.S. Perceptions of China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative and China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition

Wei Zongyou

Fudan American Review

Wei Zongyou, "The U.S. Perceptions of China’s "Belt and Road" Initiative and China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition,"Fudan American Review, No.1, 2018

【Abstract】As early as 2011, the United States pronounced a “New Silk Road” project aiming at connecting Afghanistan with Central Asia and South Asia by means of energy development, road, railway, and pipelines construction, along with a more reduced duty and simplified border transit clearance. When China launched its “Belt and Road” Initiative in 2013, the Barack Obama administration paid little attention to it initially, but grew suspicious and concerned as the initiatives went along well, especially after the Asia Infrastructure And Investment Bank(AIIB) was established and joined by many western countries. Donald Trump was initially ambivalent toward China’s initiative, and even sent a delegation to participate China’s “Belt and Road” Forum held in Beijing. However, Trump’s attitudes toward the initiative became more negative as time went by and he viewed it more from geopolitical and strategic competition prism and even considered establishing a joint regional infrastructure scheme to rival China’s initiative, together with Japan, India, and Australia.

【Key Words】Belt and Road Initiative   New Silk Road   The U.S.   China-U.S. Relations

【Author】Wei Zongyou, Professor of the Center for American Studies, Fudan University

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.