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The 2017 National Security Strategy of the United States of America and the Prospect of China-U.S. Relations

Wei Zongyou

Contemporary American Review, No.1, 2018

Wei Zongyou,"The 2017 National Security Strategy of the United States of America and the Prospect of China-U.S. Relations," Contemporary American Review, No.1, 2018

【Abstract】The 2017 National Security Strategy Report of the United States of America reflects the strategic vision and foreign policy thinking of Donald J. Trump and his security team. It vehemently argues for America First and economic populism, and plays up great power competition. In that context, it defines China as a revisionist power and the No. one strategic competitor of the United States. The strategy report also outlines an emerging Indo-Pacific strategy which focuses on rolling back the influence of China in this area and beyond. It will exacerbate the strategic suspicion between China and U.S. and erode the foundation of future China-U.S. cooperation on issues ranging from regional hotspots to global governance, if the strategy and measures prescribed in it are fully implemented. What’s more, it will even ignite trade war between China and the United States and lead to China-U.S. economic and even security competition in the Indo-Pacific. To avoid this bleak prospect, both China and U.S. should work hard with good faith and find a way to stabilize China-U.S. relations.

【Keywords】China-U.S. relations, The 2017 U.S. National Security Strategy Report, The U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy, The Trump administration

【Author】 Wei Zongyou, Professor of the Center for American Studies, Fudan University

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