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Evolving U.S. South China Sea Policy and China-U.S. Co-Existence in the Asia-Pacific

Wei Zongyou


  In recent years, the United States has been increasingly involved in the South China Sea disputes and taken a biased approach towards China. It accused China of trying to change the status quo in the South China Sea, and sent its navy to navigate within 12 miles of the islands that China controls as a kind of deterrence to China. It also encouraged and supported the Philippines’ efforts to file a case against China through Arbitration Tribunal. Besides, it has also upgraded its security relations with the Philippines and Vietnam, and provided new military aids to them in order to enhance their maritime capabilities and maritime domain awareness. As a result, the South China Sea disputes has become increasingly complicated and cast a long shadow over China-U.S. relations. How to minimize the negative impacts of the South China Sea disputes and find a way out?And how to avoid the prospects of disputes escalation and possible China-U.S. confrontation in the South China Sea?This paper will try to answer these questions.

Key words

  The South China Sea Disputes  China-U.S. Relations  Asia-Pacific

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.