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From the Back is Seen the Future: An Analysis of the Bush National Space Policy

Wei Zongyou

Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.4, 2008


This paper examines in details the Bush administration's new space policy. The paper points out that under the seeming similarities between the Bush space policy and that of Bill Clinton, lie the fundamental differences between the two, both in underlying guidelines and main policy objectives. The Bush policy has accepted the main arguments of the Report of Donard Rumsfeld Space Commission, which argues for US space hegemony and space weaponization; and also shows some yearning for Reagan's space policy. It is in fact an embodiment of the overall strategy of the conservative Bush administration. After briefly examining the implementation of the new policy and the accompanying obstacles it faces at home and abroad, the paper argues that the attempted space weaponization and space hegemony implied in the newpolicy will be doomed to failure.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.