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Song Guoyou


Deputy Director, Center for American Studies, Fudan University
Professor, Ph.D., Fudan University(2006)
Research Interests:Chinese economic diplomacy, Sino-U.S. relations, and international political economy


Field of research: Chinese economic diplomacy, Sino-U.S. relations, and international political economy

Born in Anhui Province in 1977, Dr. Song Guoyou got his Ph.D and Master degree in international relations in 2006 and 2003 from Fudan University. His research field covers Chinese economic diplomacy, Sino-U.S. relations, and international political economy. He is a professor and deputy director of the Center for American Studies, executive director of Asia-Pacific Cooperation and Governance Research Center, a Shanghai University think tank, and director of Economic Diplomacy Studies Center of Fudan University. He is one of the members of advisory committee for China’s Ministry of Commerce. He also holds the posts of Senior Research Fellow of International Economics and Finance Institute of Ministry of Finance, member of the standing committee of China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council(PECC), and vice president of National Economic Diplomacy Research Association concurrently.

He has published more than fifty academic papers in various magazines including SSCI, CSSCI, and other core journals, which were reprinted more than 20 times by "XinHua Digest", "Chinese Social Science Digest", "China University Academic Abstracts", "Periodical literatures reprinted by Renmin University of China","Internal Reference of People's Daily". He also wrote more than one hundred articles for "People's Daily", "Jiefang Daily", "Global Times", "International Herald Leader", "thepaper.cn", etc. He received review with Xinhua News Agency, New York Times, Bloomberg News, EFE, Oriental TV, Phoenix TV, Shenzhen TV for hundreds of times.

He has undertaken tens of national and provincial research projects of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Office of the Central Leading Group for the Cyberspace Administration, and Ministry of Education. Some of his reports were subject to instructions and approval from the member of the Standing Committee and the Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC, and the leader of the State Council. He was appointed as the member of the experts team of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce to visit other countries to research and exchange.

He was Fox Fellow in Yale University during 2005-2006 and visiting fellow in Georgetown Unviersity during 2009-2010. He visited more than ten countries in Asia, North America, Latin American, Oceania, and Europe.

He is awarded "Shuguang Scholar" of Shanghai in 2016, and  was funded by
"Pujiang Talent Plan" in 2012 and awarded the first-year "Chenguang Scholar" in 2007.            

  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  China’s Trade Policy in Latin America: Puzzles, Transformations and Impacts
  The Belt and Road Initiative & International Relations
  Money, Power and China-U.S. Financial Relations
  Balancing Social Interest and State Security: Government's Strategic Choice on Trade Policy
  A Short History of Political Philosophy
  The Biden Administration's Economic Policy toward China: Readjustment and New Areas of Competition
  China-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations: Trump and Beyond
  Rust Belt and Trump’s Failure
  Rethinking Strategic Alignments: China and the Building of Wide-ranging and Multidimensional Networks
  China-U.S. Economic Relations: Re-integration, Strong Comepetition and Weak Decoupling
  China's economic strategy in Asia
  The Logics of the International System's Evolution and the Effects of Great Powers
  China’s debates on economic diplomacy
  Stategic Stability or Strategic Conflict? China-U.S. Economic Interactions after the Establishment of Bilateral Diplomatic Relations
  China, the United States and Global Economic Governance
  Zero-sum mentality goes against the trend of the times
  The tactic of isolationism will get on nowhere
  Shifting Interests,Role Change and Balance of Relations: Sino-U.S. Relations
  The Trump Administration’s Trade Policy and Sino-American Economic Relations
  The New Development of American Isolationism on Globalization
  Sino-American Relations and the Uncertainty of World Order in 2030
  Competition for Rules: China, the United States and East Asian FTA Negotiations
  Integration, Competition, and the Re-anchor of China-U.S. Economic Relations
  TPP: Geo-political Effects, Sino-US Gaming, and China's Option
  Immigration's Inflence on American Economy
  The New Normal of China-US Economic Relationship Development
  Global Economic Governance in Post Financial Crisis:Dilemma and Transcendence
  A New Model of Major Country Economic Relations between China and the United States and Its Effects on the G20
  The Economic Logic of US Hegemny's Decline
  From purchasing treasury-bonds to FDI: China’s New Financial Strategy towards the U.S.
  From National Debt to Investment: China's New Derection of Economy Strategy on U.S
  New Changes and Trend of China-U.S. Trade Relations
  China's FDI: Potential limitation and strategy
  2013 American Economy: Strengthen the Foundation of Growth
  Germany's New Deal and the EU Prospects
  China's Neighboring Economic Diplomacy: Mechanism Coordination and Strategic Choices
  Capture the 'Heart' and ‘Soul’: NGOs and American Public Diplomacy
  The Financial Crisis, Emerging Countries and International Economic Governance
  Japan and the Asia-Pacific Order
  FTA Competition and China's Strategic Choices
  Implement inclusive Development
  International Economic Risks and Chinese Public Safety
  Deeping Economic Ties with Neighboring Countries: China's Policy Options
  Re-Industrialization and American Economic Growth
  Global FTAs' Competition and China's Strategy
  Global Quantitative Easing, Emerging Economies and International Financial Governmance
  America’s Governmental Debt and Its Impact on China
  China's Free Trade Agreement Strategies
  The Utility Power among Economic Geography, Political Map and Asymmetry Interdependence
  The Influence of EURO-U.S. Debt Crisis on the International Economic Structure
  The Adjustment of Obama Administration's Economic Strategy and Its Impact on China
  Research Methods, Political Consciousness and Chinese Orientation in International Trade Politics
  A Comment on the Behavior of Economic Crisis Shift by American Government
  International Political and Economy Research Based on China——Problem Field, Breakthrough in Theory and Subject Closing
  Chinese New Financial Strategy Aboard: Transforming from U.S. Dollar Center to Currency Balance?
  US Dollar Trap, Debt Weapon and Financial Dilemma in China-U.S. Relations
  East Asian Financial Integration, the United States and China
  China, U.S. and the EU in International Monetary and Financial System
  Balanced Growth of the Global Economy and the Future of China-U.S. Relations
  The U.S. and East Asia Financial Integration
  China's Purchase of American Treasury Securities: Source, Profit and Impact
  the American Factor in China's Paticipation in International Financial System
  Japan's Strategy towards East Asia Regional Order
  China's Economic Influence on DPRK
  The Establishment of America's Trade Policy for China
  Increase and Imbalance of American Economy and Its Influence to Sino-U.S. Trade Relations,
  America's FTA Strategy in East Asia and Its Infulence on Regional Order
  The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds and American Hegemony
  The Theoretical Analysis of Economic-Persuasion-Strategy
  Bringing the Society Back In: Reshaping Ontology in International Relations
  The Unequilibrium of China-U.S. Trade
  The Interdependent Between China and U.S. and its Strategy Limits
  Trading with the Opponent: A State-Society Analysis Framework
  From Trade to Finance: America's Economic Strategy Adjustments to China
  Relative Gains,Absolute Gains and the Contradiction of Policital and Economic Relations Between China and America,
  The Development of Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia And the Effect on American Hegemony
  The Developments of Trade, Interest Groups and the Conflicts among States
  A Study of America's RTA Policy
  Why East Asia is Security?
  Domestic Factors in US Economic Sanctions on China afer the Cold War
  US blacklists two more Chinese companies, a move that strains bilateral ties: experts , 24-07-03
  Canada's reported plan to follow US tariffs on Chinese EVs could backfire: experts , 24-06-22
  EU postpones decision on Chinese EVs, showing internal division , 24-06-05
  China rolls out export controls in key aerospace and shipbuilding sectors to safeguard national security , 24-05-30
  China kicks off major forum amid push for sci-tech reliance, global cooperation , 24-04-25
  China's top economic planner vows to ramp up measures to secure growth as Q1 result shines, despite West's 'Peak China' hype , 24-04-17
  China-US ties stabilizing, may pave way for state heads’ meeting: experts , 23-09-12
  US commerce chief embarks on China visit; high-level contacts expected to stabilize bilateral ties , 23-08-27
  US seeks to extend sci-tech pact with China ahead of Raimondo’s visit, ‘a sign to stabilize ties’ , 23-08-24
  Hegemony-obsessed US further alienates itself from world that chooses ‘airport’ over ‘lecture’ , 23-04-16
  US risks debt default as Congress still gridlocked , 23-02-17
  CBO: US debt default looms in summertime , 23-02-16
  China welcomes Yellen's visit, helpful for thawing fraught relations , 23-02-09
  Guest Opinion: How the U.S. debt-ceiling crisis is weighing on the global economy , 23-01-29
  US criticized for using intl platform for cooperation to exert pressure on other countries , 22-07-16
  Indentured by hegemony - US builds slavery empire by exploiting other countries , 22-07-06
  US call for global minimum corporate tax no fix for offshoring: experts (Interview) , 21-04-10
  New road maps needed to restore Western countries’ relations with China , 20-11-01
  Foresights into the U.S. Economic Dimensions , 20-04-23
  Taking up the gauntlet with courageous and well-disposed resoluteness to enable the cessation of the dispute , 20-02-25
  Why do Americans still feel discouraged in spite of U.S. key economic data? , 19-07-30
  Xi allays global BRI concerns(Interview) , 19-04-28
  China, U.S. go all out for trade deal (Interview) , 19-04-22
  Employment status in the U.S. gauged beyond the unemployment rate , 19-01-14
  2019 Global Outlook|Emergence of scaling in uncertainties weighs on the world economic prospect , 19-01-11
  A significant step forward in endeavors to facilitate implementation of the consensuses reached during the Chinese and U.S. leaders' meeting(Interview) , 19-01-10
  China is prepared to respond to Canada if extradition of Meng Wanzhou materializes: experts (Interview) , 19-01-09
  40 People on 40 Years|Song Guoyou: Economic and trade ties remain the anchor of China-U.S. relations , 19-01-08
  US' long-arm jurisdiction must be combated , 19-01-06
  Apple crisis shows escalated trade war to hurt US first(Interview) , 19-01-05
  The establishment of "Blocking Regulations" could be taken into account , 18-12-18
  China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered responses to American trade envoy Robert Lighthizer who would lead negotiations for the United States (Interview) , 18-12-05
  Multiple factors add up to the U.S. stock market crash, rolling down the slope , 18-11-22
  Increase in U.S. Foreign Assistance Efforts with Primary Focus on Competition with China , 18-10-23
  The wave of the economic effects remains undissipated a decade on from the global financial crisis and recession of 2008 , 18-09-15
  Hedging Its Bets on President Donald Trump’s Threat to Withdraw the United States from the World Trade Organization , 18-09-01
  Chinese market has been tenaciously attractive to western businesses , 18-07-21
  Is it the "new normal" that Chinese acquisitions and investments in the U.S. has plummeted 92 percent in the first five months of this year on policy changes? , 18-06-23
  U.S. extensive protectionism exposes lack of confidence , 18-05-28
  U.S. initiates Section 232 investigation into imports of automobiles and automotive parts, bringing forth limited impact on Chinese automakers , 18-05-25
  The sound growth of China-U.S. relations meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples: perspectives on the fruitful consensuses reached during economic and trade consultations between China and the United States (Interview) , 18-05-22
  Fairness and equivalency are indispensable for Sino-U.S. trade in services , 18-05-11
  China and the United States seek to maximize the convergence of interests in economic,trade consultations (Interview) , 18-05-04
  It’s easier for President Donald J. Trump to withdraw U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) trade deal than to rejoin the pact , 18-04-18
  Profundity| What underlies U.S. President Donald J. Trump's plan to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and will it be realized? , 18-04-13
  Experts: China will not take the hit of the American Jitters (Interview) , 18-04-09
  Will the Trump Administration in the U.S. profit from the move as to considering restrictions on visas to Chinese students? , 18-04-04
  The multinational corporations shall avoid being double-sided , 18-03-07
  Bilateral business has been the anchor of China-U.S. relations , 18-02-09
  Adherence to Cooperation with the U.S. Based on Game Theory within the Framework of WTO , 17-12-14
  It's needless to overstate the impact of tax cuts in the U.S. , 17-12-05
  From the White House to the Palace Museum: How does Trump's Visit Affect China-U.S. Relations? , 17-11-12
  Trump's visit to China yields breakthroughs in economic and trade deals, delivering greater benefits to the two peoples , 17-11-11
  China and the U.S. have created ‘miracle’ up to $250 billion in trade deals , 17-11-09
  Professor Song Guoyou gave an interview on Trump's visit to China in the program "Crossover", Shanghai Dragon TV , 17-11-08
  Professor Song Guoyou was interviewed by Shenzhen TV on Trump's Trip to Asia and State Visit to China , 17-11-03
  Hard to Understand Moody’s Downgrading on China Rating , 17-05-25
  Trade Protectionism cannot solve American problems , 17-02-26
  Foreign Investors should trust China's investment environment , 16-10-22
  Problems won’t halt BRICS progress , 16-10-13
  Trump's ‘China-bashing card’ not feasible , 16-08-16
  U.S. postpone the interest rate increase while the economy stepping into "New Normal" , 16-06-21
  IMF doubts prove neoliberal model is not inevitable , 16-06-15
  Neoliberalism: from myth to common sense , 16-06-15
  More than 300-outcome list achieved, U.S. calls for the prolonging of conversation , 16-06-08
  The Eighth Round of U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogues forces domestic reform of both countries to promote mutual strategic trust , 16-06-08
  Leaders of two countries positively set the tone with intensive economic negotiations , 16-06-07
  Introversion would pull back the U.S. market economy , 16-06-03
  EU would benefit from closer ties with China , 16-05-15
  The Market Economy Status is the trick made by the E.U. , 16-05-12
  Why the U.S. lose interest on G20? , 16-04-15
  Different Impacts of FED Rasing Interest Rate , 15-12-24
  IMF reform deal recognizes China’s new status , 15-12-24
  US ratification of IMF reform proposal signifies China be the third largest shareholder of IMF , 15-12-23
  Don't be overacted on FED rasing interest rate , 15-12-19
  SDR: China, an elephant in house, would never be neglected , 15-12-02
  China develops unique cooperation model with Africa , 15-11-27
  TPP may breach WTO rules seriously , 15-11-24
  Reconcilement reached by Sany and Obama Administration set an example for Chinese Companies in the U.S. , 15-11-06
  Forex reserve drop signifies growing financial wisdom , 15-10-16
  Is TPP Really Good? , 15-10-09
  The Influence of TPP on China is Limited , 15-10-08
  There are Still Many Uncertainties about the Future of TPP. , 15-10-07
  TPP has Far-reaching Implications but is Still Limited. , 15-10-06
  How is the most Important Economic Matters Progress of Xi jinping Obama Talks? , 15-10-03
  Globalization is Leading to Hollowness in Small Counries , 15-09-30
  An Interview on President Xi's Speech , 15-09-29
  Cutting Negatives for 2-way Investment , 15-09-25
  Network Security Consensus would be Reached during President Xi's Visit to US , 15-09-24
  Why BIT so Important , 15-09-24
  Xi's Visit Expected to Step Up Finalizing Negative List , 15-09-24
  If BIT is Signed , 15-09-22
  No need for China to worry about Triffin dilemma , 15-09-21
  President Xi's Visit to U.S. Would Change View of China in American , 15-09-19
  Fed's Increasing Interest Expect Stiring the Global Economy , 15-09-17
  China Becomes a Bright Spot of the "New Mediocre" World , 15-07-20
  AIIB Set Regulation to aviod China to Be the "Single Big " , 15-07-02
  TPP Negotiation: Prospect and Variation Coexist , 15-07-02
  Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue:Form or Content? , 15-06-27
  Only If Sino-US Talking is Going On , 15-06-24
  It Does Matter wheather China Jion TPP , 15-06-12
  US Has No Sincerity for Sino-US Negotiation , 15-05-28
  US is Anxious to Speed up the Process of TPP Negotiation , 15-04-15
  Forty-four Countries Apply For The Membership of AIIB, Open A New Windows For Asian Economic Development , 15-03-31
  AIIB Supply for The International Financial System , 15-03-27
  AIIB's Atraction Lie In Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Result , 15-03-20
  US: Adjust Economic Relationship with the World , 15-03-05
  Obama Open Fire to push the immigration reform , 15-02-27
  The Recovery of American Economics: Opportunity and Challenge coexist , 15-02-19
  Look forward to the 3rd Xi-Obama Summit , 15-02-12
  We should Value Political Risk when Invest abroad , 15-01-22
  Is It a Good News for other Economies about the Recovery of US Economy , 15-01-22
  Canceling Rare Earth Quotas may not under External Force , 15-01-16
  Imbalance and Restructure, World Economy Comes to Binuclear Time , 15-01-13
  China's Characteristical Diplomacy Can Learn From The Traditonal Cultural Ideas , 15-01-02
  A More Clear Positioning toward the New Model of Major-Country Relations between China and U.S. , 14-11-13
  La Cina e Obama: anatra a primavera? , 14-11-11
  The Marshall Plan? No,Yidai, yilu , 14-11-07
  The Republican Party Control the Congress, Leading to Oppose with the Government , 14-11-06
  Cheer for the Road Map of the FTAAP , 14-11-06
  Why not China Proposing an Asia-Pacific Development Alliance , 14-11-06
  AIIB; invest for the future of Asia , 14-10-30
  Foriegn Companies should not Expect to be Mercied on Antitrust Laws , 14-08-21
  How Could SANY HEAVY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Win Obama? , 14-07-24
  Alliance System Beaten out by Economic Grip , 14-07-15
  It is too early to talk about that China Will Surpass America's Economics , 14-05-09
  Where is the New Pattern of the Powers Newly? , 14-03-22
  Silk Road Economic Belt Hedging TPP , 13-09-12
  Building an "Upgraded Version" Trade with Surrounding Countries , 13-08-05
  Chinese Investment in Boosting the Development of Neighboring Countries , 13-08-02
  Trade Negotiation Should Seperate with RMB Issue , 09-11-17
  The China-U.S. Relation: The Couple No Odd , 09-10-30
  Who Could Lever the Sino-U.S. Relationship Without A Fulcrum , 09-08-28
  A More Economic-Oriented S&ED, More Benefical to the U.S. , 09-07-29
  Global Trade Protectionism Has Not Been Exacerbated , 09-07-06
  To Welcome the Normalization of Sino-U.S. Economic Relations , 09-06-03
  The Future of Dollar under the International Financial Crisis , 09-05-04
  The Impacts and Lessons of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the United States , 09-04-22
  This is not Bretton Woods Ⅱ , 09-04-03
  The United States Should Learn from the Shanxi Shopkeepers , 09-03-27
  The United Stated Has to Reassure China , 09-03-26
  The Obama Administration's New Rescue Tactics: Can 'Public-Private Partnership Get Rid of the 'Toxic'? , 09-03-24
  Obama, Why Should China Believe You? , 09-03-19
  Some Thoughts about China Being the World's Third Largest in Terms of GDP , 09-03-05
  Stimulus Plan is Merely Partial Victory for Obama , 09-02-15
  The Dawn of the Summit' Exhibited Economic Cooperation in East Asia , 09-01-24
  Bush Missed the Beginning of the Crisis, and Will Miss its Ending , 09-01-14
  America Will be the Largest Loser , 08-12-08
  Don't Expecting Washington Congerence , 08-11-14
  There Should be Some Claims Before China help the West , 08-10-21
  China's Strategic Opportunities in the Crisis , 08-10-21
  What Was the Incomes If China Would Buy America's National Debts , 08-09-29
  The Financial Hegemon's Self-Salvation , 08-09-11
  Choice in Dushanbe , 08-08-29
  The Family of Bush Watch the Olympics :It is a New Footnote of Sino-U.S. Relationships , 08-08-11
  The Subprime Morgage Crisis Will not End in the Short-term, but American Economy Will Enventually Rise , 08-07-16
  What is the Actuality of America Economy , 08-07-15
  RMB Steps up as usual , 08-03-27
  Iraq War: Only a Person's War? , 08-03-23
  Say you, say me , 08-03-07
  The Illusion of a Declining America , 08-01-24
  Back to the Strategy Itself , 08-01-17
  The Last Dollar System , 08-01-03
  A Tragedy of U.S. Dollar , 07-12-22
  2007 Seems not So Beautiful or American: Both the Success and Failure are due to the U.S. , 07-12-19
  Why There Is Always America in the China-Japan Relations? , 07-12-06
  Guard the Tonal Modification of Sino-U.S. Economic Relations , 07-07-16
  US bill forcing ownership change of TikTok another hysterical move in crackdown against Chinese companies , 24-03-08
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.