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Xin Qiang


Deputy Director, Center for American Studies, Fudan University
Professor, Ph.D., Fudan University
Research Interests:U.S. Politics, International Relations Theory, U.S.-China Relations, Taiwan Issue


 Qiang Xin is Professor and Deputy Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University. His research is mainly focusing on China-US relations, maritime security studies, US politics and Taiwan issue.From Oct. 2010 to Jan. 2012, he pursued a 15-month visiting scholarship in the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University.

  Prof. Xin is the author of Interpreting US Taiwan Policymaking: Perspective of Congress (Shanghai People Press, 2010), “Semi-Self-Contained” Congress and Taiwan Issue: Models of US Congress Diplomacy (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2005), co-author of US Congress and US Security Policy toward China, 1989-2004 (Beijing: Shishi Press, 2005), and co-editor of US Congress and Taiwan Issue (Fudan University Press, 2005). He has published numerous articles in Mainland China, U.S., Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is also the translator of several books, including Theory of International Politics (Chinese translation of Kenneth Waltz’s work), After Hegemony (Chinese translation of Robert Keohane’s work), Propaganda and Public Mind (Chinese translation of Noam Chomsky’s work), and A G-Man’s Life: The FBI, Being ‘Deep Throat’, and the Struggle for Honor in Washington (Chinese translation of Mark Felt’s work).

  In 2002, Prof. Xin joined the Center for American Studies, Fudan University. From Sept. 2001 to July 2002, he was a visiting scholar in American University in Washington, DC. During this period, he served as a congressional staff for US Congressman Jim McDermott from Nov.2001 to May 2002. In 2003, he was chosen as the “Social Science Study Elite” by France Foreign Ministry and went to France for two-month studies. From June to July 2006, Qiang went to Tamkang University in Taiwan to pursue a short-term visiting research, and from July to August 2009, he was invited by Soochow University in Taiwan for a one-month stay as a visiting scholar. As an attorney, Dr. Xin also worked as a part time lawyer involving international trade disputes.

  Prof. Xin got his Ph.D degree from the School of International Relations at Fudan University in June 2002, and has been awarded for several times by Shanghai government and Fudan University for his academic excellence and leadership.            

  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  Mainland China’s Taiwan Policy: From Peaceful Development to Selective Engagement
  Interpreting U.S. Taiwan Policymaking: Perspective of Congress
  A G-Man's Life: The FBI, Being Deep Throat, and the Struggle for Honor in Washington
  Propaganda and the Public Mind
  American Congress and the Taiwan Issue
  U.S. Congress and the Making of U.S. Security Policy towards China, 1989-2004
  US Congress Diplomacy: “Semi-Self-Contained” Congress and Taiwan Issue
  Theory of International Politics
  US Congress and Sino-US Relations: Case Study and Analysis
  After Hegemony
  Anti-Interference: Redoubled Focus of Chinese Mainland’s Taiwan Policy
  On the Edge of Crisis:Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan and Repercussions for U. S.-China Rivalry
  "Novel Narratives" of China Threat and the Impact on Sino-U.S. People-to-People Exchanges
  Political Polarization and 2020 U.S.Congressional Election: Background, Process, and Impact
  Having much in common? Changes and continuity in Beijing’s Taiwan policy
  Selective Engagement: Mainland China’s Dual-Track Taiwan Policy
  On the Duality of China-U.S. Sea Power Game
  A Perspective of Diaoyu Islands Dispute under China-U.S. Safety Game
  US-Vietnam Security Cooperation: Development and Prospects
  The Influence of Divisions and Rivalries within the Democratic Party on the Process of American Health Reform
  A Perspective of Diaoyu Island Dispute under China-U.S. Safety Game
  Five No's Policy: The U.S. Adjustment of the South China Sea Policy
  "Sub Axis": The Role Transiton of Japan in the America Asia-Pacific Security Layout
  TPP Strategy of US and Prospect of Taiwan's Participation
  Cooperation Opportunity or Confrontation Catalyst? The Implication of China's Naval Development for China-U.S. Relations
  Globalization and Transformation of China's Security Strategy
  Extended Horizon: China’s Blue-Water Navy Ambition and Its Implications
  Peaceful Development for Unification
  East Asian Integration in the Hegemonic Shadows
  Moving toward a"Quasi Military Alliance": The Deepening
  Analysis of the Pro-Taiwan US Congressmen's Influence on the Peaceful Development of the Cross-Strait Relations
  East Asian Integration and the Strategic Countermeasure of the U.S.
  Globalization and Transformation of China’s Security Strategy
  Beyond Power Politics: Institutions Building and Mainland China’s Taiwan Policy Transition
  Mainland China's Taiwan Policy Adjustments
  To Build up A "Community of Destiny": Reconstruction of Strategy toward Taiwan by Mainland China
  Interests,strategies and the Contradictory Nature of the U.S.Policy toward the Taiwan Strait
  The Model of Interaction between the U.S. President and Congress in Crisis Decision-making
  Power Politics、Instution Establishment and the Future of Cross-Strait Relations
  The American Congressional and Presidential War Power under the 'Bipolar Diplomacy' Structure of Foregn Affairs
  Don't Overestimate the Worth of the China-U.S. "Military Connection"
  An Analysis of the Reasons Why the U.S. Opposes Taiwan Authorities' Pushing for Taiwan's Membership in the UN and Referendum on Taiwan's UN Bid,
  From "China Group"to "Taiwan Group": Pro-Taiwan Senates and U.S.-Taiwan Policy Making
  The Influence of America Congress Leader to the Foreign Policy Making Process
  Identity and Foreign Policy Making: A Constructive Perspective on U.S.-Taiwan Relations
  From "China Bloc"to "Taiwan Bloc": Taiwanophiles of America Congress and the Taiwan Policy Making of America
  Unofficial Contacts in Official Approach: The U.S. Congress U.S.-Taiwan Relations
  The Influence of America Congress Leader to the Foreign Policy Making Process
  Supervision and Constrition: Congress Supervision and US Arms Sales to Taiwan--Case Study of Congressional Supervision upon Taiwan Relations Act
  Try the Method of Analyse Plot of Taiwan Authorities to Expand the International Space
  Necessity and Legal Principle Theories on Law Basis of China's Anti-secession Law
  The Interests Overlap Between China and U.S. on Taiwan Issue
  Taiwan Authorities' Transit Diplomacy Mode Analysis: Take an Example of Chen Shuibian' Transit USA in 2003
  US Congressional Blues' Affect on US-Taiwan policy
  A Study of Anarchy
  The Causes and Possibility of FTA Between America and Taiwan
  Surface and Essential: S.693.IS and the Military Communions Between U.S.and Taiwan
  A Case Studies of America Congressional Taiwan Caucus
  Legislative Staff and the 'Invisible Government'Inside the Congress
  Space Power Theory: The New Height of Geopolitics
  US, not China, 'creates chilling effect' on exchanges , 24-06-26
  Mainland sends out strong warning to 'Taiwan independence,' vowing strong countermeasures , 24-05-29
  China welcomes US tourists to experience the real China: Xi , 24-05-22
  Global leaders reiterate support for one-China principle, highlighting general consensus of intl community , 24-05-21
  China urges US to stop arming Taiwan after aid bill passed , 24-04-24
  China launches anti-dumping measures against propionic acid imports from US , 24-04-19
  Yellen's ‘productive’ trip sparks mixed reactions in China , 24-04-09
  China, US discuss key economic issues as Yellen visit continues , 24-04-06
  2 surviving fishermen return to mainland after fatal incident , 24-02-21
  Nauru to sever ‘diplomatic ties’ with Taiwan region, showing one-China principle a prevailing consensus , 24-01-28
  Embracing One-China principle 'inevitable trend of times' as Tuvalu reportedly mulls severing 'ties' with Taiwan , 24-01-22
  US reproach of Nauru’s decision futile, can’t change cross-Straits power dynamics , 24-01-17
  ‘Taiwan independence’ a dead-end, sabotages peace in Straits , 24-01-14
  China sanctions five US companies in upgraded response to Washington’s arms sales to Taiwan island , 24-01-07
  US urged to turn its non-support for 'Taiwan independence' commitment into action , 23-12-27
  Commemorating anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy a reminder for US to take moves to break stalemate in ties: experts , 23-12-17
  GOP-controlled House greenlights impeachment inquiry into Biden , 23-12-14
  US House in limbo regardless of new nominee , 23-10-16
  Policy to help promote cross-Strait relations , 23-09-25
  China sends clear signal at UNGA, upholding true multilateralism , 23-09-22
  Blinken sounds a rallying cry for a ‘new cold war’ that US cannot win , 23-09-14
  DPP's distortion of UN Resolution 2758 extremely dangerous separatist provocations: Chinese FM , 23-09-05
  China well on track of stable economic recovery, defying ‘time bomb’ rhetoric , 23-08-11
  US urged to take actions to build guardrails, reject Lai’s ‘transit’ trip , 23-08-04
  US politicians to further endanger peace in Straits with ill-intentioned new act , 23-07-31
  US Congress' passage of bill under 'trade initiative' with Taiwan island may damage 'fragile thawing' of ties with China , 23-07-19
  Analysts warn of more tensions if McCarthy meets Tsai , 23-03-07
  Government Work Report on Taiwan question signals Party still sticks to peaceful reunification , 23-03-05
  Shoddy opinion poll cannot conceal US' evil will to use Taiwan as a pawn , 23-03-01
  US intensifies war hype to fool Taiwan island to be 'handy tool' in rivalry with China , 23-03-01
  Any separatist act of soliciting foreign support will only backfire, FM warns as Tsai vows to enhance military ties with US , 23-02-21
  China slaps sanctions on Lockheed Martin, Raytheon over arms sales to Taiwan region , 23-02-16
  Limited cross-Straits ferry services stir up public dissatisfaction toward Taiwan's DPP , 23-02-07
  Calls for exchanges high across Straits as mainland urges DPP to resume direct flights , 23-02-02
  US senior general hypes war with China in 2025, 'reckless and provocative' , 23-01-28
  Collusion with US places Taiwan secessionists in a more dangerous position , 23-01-03
  European politicians should be wary of Rasmussen’s visit to Taiwan island and avoid becoming strategic pawns , 23-01-03
  PLA holds fire strike drills around Taiwan island after US defense bill provokes China , 22-12-25
  GT survey: More than 60% of Chinese optimistic of future international environment despite US containment strategy , 22-12-25
  Wang Yi urges US to stop ‘containing China while calling for dialogue’ in phone call with Blinken , 22-12-23
  China sanctions two US individuals over illegal US sanctions on Xizang region , 22-12-23
  ‘China House’ signals US tougher gears for competition , 22-12-19
  Trudeau should know blaming China can't save declining Canadian democracy , 22-11-08
  US plans to jointly produce weapons with Taiwan island in 'futile attempt' of obstructing reunification , 22-10-20
  ‘Obsolete’ Pompeo seeks 'cash, political gains’ in 2nd Taiwan island trip , 22-09-27
  Seminar discusses the fourth Taiwan Straits crisis, issues report on China-US signaling on the Taiwan question , 22-09-15
  US to consider 'comprehensively restructuring' policy toward Taiwan island; may lead to ‘China’s strong countermeasures’ , 22-09-13
  US to consider 'comprehensively restructuring' policy toward Taiwan island; may lead to ‘China’s strong countermeasures’ , 22-09-13
  China vows countermeasures against US' arms sales to Taiwan; provocative move only 'accelerates' reunification , 22-09-04
  US meddling raises risks across Straits , 22-08-25
  Japanese lawmakers' planned visit to Taiwan 'provocative,' could spark strong countermeasures: expert , 22-08-17
  International community reiterates adherence to one-China principle; ‘time to review fact’ that Taiwan is part of China , 22-08-03
  Japan warned for strengthening ties with Taiwan secessionists in post-Abe era as Tokyo to send lawmakers to island , 22-07-13
  WHA rejects Taiwan’s bid for 6th consecutive year as political tricks to challenge one-China principle are doomed to failure , 22-05-23
  Biden’s Asia trip to promote IPEF will fizzle out, as Washington cannot offer more market opening steps , 22-05-22
  Yoon unlikely to make waves on Taiwan question after Biden visit , 22-05-22
  US’ push to invite Taiwan to WHA sparks backlash as COVID cases surpass 1 million mark on island , 22-05-19
  Surge of Omicron cases in Taiwan ‘result of DDP’s political manipulation over anti-epidemic work’ , 22-05-15
  US mass killing exposes dangerous trend of white supremacism , 22-05-15
  Taiwan authorities attend US-led COVID meeting amid new surge, ‘an ironic farce’ , 22-05-12
  US attempts to erase one-China principle by changing Taiwan-related statement: Chinese scholar , 22-05-10
  US bill to help Taiwan separatists get WHA observer status 'futile' , 22-04-28
  Biden administration to use natl security strategy to deflect criticism, pull support , 22-04-27
  China, US should break current frigid bilateral relations through dialogue: Chinese Ambassador , 22-04-17
  Biden admin’s 3rd arms deal to Taiwan won’t boost DPP’s security, only benefits arms dealers: expert , 22-04-06
  US wants to regain leadership but domestic predicament, doubts from allies remain , 21-02-23
  G7 expansion more symbolic than substantive , 20-07-12
  China Should be More Aggressive in Global Diplomacy , 14-01-22
  Milestones Should be Set on North Korea Issues , 13-02-20
  The Policy Implication of Kim Jong-il's Visit to China and His Refusal of Carter's Meeting Request , 10-08-01
  'China is Unhappy' and the Issue of China's Nationalism , 09-03-23
  America Sending More Soldiers to Afghanistan and Policy Adjustments in the Middle East , 09-03-03
  On Hillary's China Visit , 09-02-23
  On Obama's Cabinet Nominations (the Unseccessful Nomination of Minister of Commerce) , 09-02-13
  American-Russian Satellite Crash , 09-02-12
  Forecast on Obama's Presidential Campaign , 08-10-09
  American Foreign Policy toward China by the New President , 08-08-01
  Attitudes And Policies of the U.S. on the Issue of RMB Exchange Rate , 08-06-01
  The Evolvement of American Policies on Arm-sale to Taiwan , 08-05-01
  Competition between Obama and McCain , 08-02-01
  Campaign between Hilary and Obama in the Primary Election , 08-01-01
  Chinese FM slams US’ attempt to ‘outcompete China’ with $100 million defense aid to Taiwan listed in Biden’s FY2025 budget , 24-03-12
  Fatal boat incident puts DPP authorities at risk if it is not handled properly , 24-03-06
  Govt Work Report on the Taiwan question signals fighting secessionism become top priority , 24-03-05
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.