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Pan YaLing



  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  Interaction between U.S. Political Culture Transformation and Its Global Strategy Adjustment
  Securization and Evolution of U.S. Strategy towards China in the Post-Cold War Era
  For Love of Country----An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism
  Asian-American Lobbies and Sino-U.S. Relations
  U.S. Policy Toward China During the Nixon-Ford Presidency: 1973-1976
  The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War
  U.S. Policy toward China during the Nixon Presidency:1969-1972
  US Policy Toward China During the Johnson Presidency: 1964-1968
  American Patriotism and Its Influence on American Foreign Policy
  China-America People-to-People Exchange at Forty: A Review and Looking Forward
  Contemporary Transition of American Political Culture
  On Normative Shift of Western Decision Logics of Intervention
  Political Transformation of US: Century Challenge and the Way in the Future
  The Influence Analysis of Asian American's Lobby on China
  Dynamics of U.S. Asia-Pacific Rebalance Strategy and China's Response
  International Norms Change and China's Response
  A Set of Strategic Goals: American Strategy Selection on Coping with Hegemonic Decline
  Coping with Hegemonic Decline: Prospects of America's Mid- and Long-term Strategy
  China's Non-Interference Diplomacy: From Defensive Advocacy to Participatory Advocacy
  The Economic Nationalism in U.S.' China Policy
  On the Viability of the Westphalia System in Globalization Era
  Lobbying Practices of Cuban Americans
  Vietnamese Americans’ Lobby and Its Impacts on South China Sea Disputes
  The Fundamental Logics and Changes to U.S.' China Strategy since the Cold War: Commentary on Obama Administration's China Policy
  Ethnic Lobbying in America and Patriotism of the Immigrants: A Case Study of Arab-Americans
  Legitimacy of Global Environmental Governance———An Attempt to Combine Political Science , Law and Sociology
  America and the Securitization of Nuclear Terrorism
  Securitization, International Cooperation and Dynamic Development of International Norms
  Life Cycle of International Norms and Securitization Theory-A Case Study of the Securitization of HIV /AIDS,
  Bush Administration's Efforts of Constructing America's Enemy Post 9/11
  On Patriotism and Nationalism
  Patriotism' Meanings,Dimensionality and Moral Significance
  Reflections on the Ethics of Sovereignty
  The "Stag Hunt" Game and It's Implication to Global Governance
  The Traditions and Transformations of Modern International Relations
  The Evolution of War: From Pusuing Survival to Keeping surviving Quality
  Globalization: An Analysis of Epistemology
  Changing International Society: Tolerance and Intolerance,
  Realism,Internationalism and Universalism: Sovereignty Thesis and Its Infulence
  Thinking about the Humanitarian Intervention
  An Analysis of Hobbes' Philosophy International Relations
  The Overhaul of U.S. Immigration Laws in 2013: Resurrection in the Future , 14-07-02
  The Americans Are Going to Have Headaches Again , 08-10-09
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.