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Pan Yaling, China-America People-to-People Exchange at Forty: A Review and Looking Forward, Fudan American Review
Wang Hao, Realignment of Political Coalitions and the Domestic Political Logic of the Evolution of U.S. Grand Strategy towards China, Fudan American Review
Wu Xinbo, China in search of a liberal partnership international order, International Affairs
Xia Liping, TMD and America's Asia-Pacific Security Strategy, Pacific Journal, No.4, 2003
Wei Zongyou, China-U.S. Strategic Competition, the U.S. Status Anxiety and Donald J. Trump Administration's Strategic Adjustment toward China, The Chinese Journal of American Studies
Song Guoyou, China, the United States and Global Economic Governance, Journal of Social Sciences
Wei Zongyou, Strategic Anxiety and the Evolving Perceptions and Policies of the U.S. towards China’s Belt and Road Initiatives, Southeast Asian Affairs
Wu Xinbo, New Phase of the United States' China Policy under the Trump Administration, China International Studies
Wu Xinbo, Response and Adjustment: Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1996 and US Policy Concerning Taiwan,, Fudan Joural, No.2, 2004
Wang Xiaofeng, The Adjustments of U.S. Cyber Intelligence Policy after Snowden Leaks, Contemporary International Relations, Vol. 11, 2018
Song Guoyou, Zero-sum mentality goes against the trend of the times, People's Daily
Wei Zongyou, China Dream vs America First: Is the Thucydides Trap Unavoidable?, Regional Dynamics and South Strategic Concerns in South Asia, Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Pakistan, June 2018.
Cai Cuihong, Li Juan, The U.S. Cyber Security Cooperation with Asia Pacific Allies and Its Evaluation, World Economics and Politics
Xia Liping, America's Return to Southeast Asia and Its Influence to Asia-Pacific Security, Contemporay International Relations, No.8, 2002
Wei Zongyou, The U.S. Perceptions of China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative and China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition, Fudan American Review
Wang Hao, Dual Logic of the Adjustment of the Trump Administration’s China Policy and Their Interactions, World Economics and Politics, No.3, 2018

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.