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Shen Dingli, Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Test China's Wisdom, The Washington Quarterly, Vol.29, No.2, Spring 2006
Zhao Kejin, Ni Shixiong, The Influence of Liberalism on the Foreign Policy of U.S.A., Fudan Journal, No.2, 2006
Wang Yiwei, Seeking China's New Identity: The Myth of Chinese Nationalism, World Economics and Politics, No.2, 2006
Zhao Kejin, Globalization Theory: A Humanities Perspective, in The New Perspectives of International Relations Theory, Wenhui Press
Zhao Kejin, The Developing Sino-U.S. Relations, in Asia's Road in the 21th Century, Fudan University Press
Zhao Kejin, Public Diplomacy: Globalization and the New Development of Diplomacy ideas, in The Theory and Practice of International Relaitons, Beijing:Shishi Press
Wang Yiwei, Rethinking the South China Sea Issue: A Perspective of Sino-U.S. Relations, Pacific Focus, No.1, 2006
Liu Aming, Zhu Mingquan, Some Consideration of Establishing the East Asia Community, in China International Studies, No.1, 2006
Xin Qiang, Ni Shixiong, Identity and Foreign Policy Making: A Constructive Perspective on U.S.-Taiwan Relations, World Economics and Politics, No.1, 2006
Cai Cuihong, Impact of the networked information on the contemporary international relations, Religion and American Society---Religion in the Internet Age, Shishi Press, December 1, 2005
Wang Yiwei, China and North Korean Nuclear Issue, International Studies, Vol. 42, No.3&4 (July-December 2005).
Zhao Kejin, Some Considerations of How to Lobby in America Congress, in America Congress and Taiwan Issue, Shanghai: Fudan University Press,2011
Wu Xinbo, The End of the Silver Lining: A Chinese View of the U.S.-Japanese Alliance, Washington Quarterly, Winter 2005-06, pp.119–130.
Cai Cuihong, From Korean War to Iraq War: Change of American Attitude Toward Dover Test, The Unites States in Time of War and Peace: Conference Proceedings, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Oct.2005
Wang Yiwei, North Korean Nuclear Issue and Chinese Peaceful Rise: Opportunity or Challenge?, in Yoon Bae Kim, Young Jae Kim (eds) Peace Building on the Korean Peninsula and the New World Order(Seoul: Oruem Publishing House, 2005).
Wang Yiwei, China's Role in Dealing with the North Korean Nuclear Issue, Korea Observer, Volume 36:3 (September 2005)

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.