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Postmodernism and Postmodern International Relations: A Basic Review

Liu Yongtao

World Economics and Politics, No.7, 2005


Postmodernism, as a concept in a broad sense, can be understood as a set of ideas and sentiments, a way of thinking, and an alternative intellectual campaign. This article discusses some features of postmodernism, including postmodernism as a force of negation of, and resistance to, modernism, as a force concerned with and emancipating those voicesmarginalized and silenced in social life, and as the p roduct of changes of the contemporary era. It also examines the meanings of three fundamental terms frequently used by postmodernists: deconstruction, intertexuality, and genealogy. Finally, the author investigates some of the themes of postmodern international relations ( IR) , including its concernswith ontological and ep istemological issues in IR, the social and linguistic construction of IR, and the ethical dimensions of world politics.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.