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Wang Yiwei, Why There is No China's IRT?, World Economics and Politics, No.1, 2004
Zhu Mingquan, China's Nuclear Detterence Strategy: the Formation and Development, in The Diplomacy of Great Powers, Beijing:Current Affairs Press, 2004
Song Guoyou, A Study of America's RTA Policy, Contemporary International Relaitons, No.12, 2003
Song Guoyou, Why East Asia is Security?, Strategy and Management, No.6, 2003
Pan Rui, China-U.S. Trade Relations: Developments and Challenges, World Economy Sudies, No.12, 2003
Ni Shixiong, Wang Yiwei, The Democratization of International Relations Revised, Social Science, No.12, 2003
Shen Dingli, China's Evaluation of the Adjustment to US Security Policy Since September 11, 2001, Defense & Security Analysis, Vol.14, No.4, December 2003
Xin Qiang, A Case Studies of America Congressional Taiwan Caucus, Taiwan Research Qualterly, No.4, 2003
Wang Yiwei, Tang Xiaosong, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics and the Tragedy of International Relations Theory, Academia, No.6, 2003
Wang Yiwei, The Re-rise of Japan and China's Grand Strategy, China Review, No.11, 2003
Wang Yiwei, The National Identity of International Relations Theories, American Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2003
Wu Chunsi, Conservatism on the U.S. Arms Control Policy: the Case of U.S. Signed and Quited the "Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty", signed in Conservatism and American Foreign Policy, Sanlian Publish House, September 2003
Wang Yiwei, Between the Compromise and Enterprise: Observing the Opportunities and Chanllenges of China Diplomacy from Iraq War,, China Review, No.8, 2003
Tang Xiaosong, Wang Yiwei, Public Diplomacy and Its Impact on the Theorie s of International Relations: A Framework of Analysis, European Studies, No.4, 2003
Wang Yiwei, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics'in Theories of International Relations——A Discussion with Dr. Su Changhe, World Economics and International Politics, No.7, 2003
Zhao Kejin, The Rise of U.S.Public Diplomacy, Fudan Journal, No.3, 2003

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.