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A Conceptual Analysis of Terrorism

Zhang Jiadong

World Economics and Politics, No.3, 2003


The constructivist theory of international relations maintains that the structure of the international system is determined by the actors’cognition of themselves and their relationship to one another. Applying this to an analysis of terrorism, we can argue that terrorism is a kind of political means that has been widely used in the history of mankind. In a broad sense terrorism should include all violations with political intentions , such as national violations, group violations, and individual violations. However , with the development of history, states have dominated the process of human society , and thus have monopolized the power to define terrorism. Therefore , terrorism is generally defined as violating actions by groups or individuals with the purpose of opposing the government or society. In the present international community where international public power is concentrated in the United States , the United States controls the definition of the power of terrorism. Through this means , the United States is leading the international anti2terrorist campaign to further consolidate its hegemony. As a result of such a situation , it is all the more important to fully understand the nature of terrorism , especially that of international terrorism.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.