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Pan Rui


Professor, Ph. D. Adviser, Fudan University
Research Interests:Sino-US Relations, Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations; American Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Period; Decision-making Process of US Foreign Policy.


PAN Rui, Professor at Center for American Studies, Fudan University, and Vice President and Secretary General of Shanghai Association of American Studies. He holds BA, MA and Ph.D degrees from Fudan University. Before joining the faculty of Fudan University in 2003, he was Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of American Studies Department at Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS). He was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, at University of Maryland in the United States, at the American Studies Research Center in India and at Seoul National University in Korea. He is a guest professor at the Washington University in St.Louis. His main scholarly interests lie in American Foreign Policy, Economic Diplomacy, International Political Economy and Sino-US Relations. He had served in government in charge of Policy Planning Division of Shanghai Municipality’s Foreign Affairs Office. His most recent book is The United States Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Period.

  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  A Study of American International Economic Policy
  The United States Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Period
  Network Power and U.S.Led Multilateral Export Control — From the Perspective of Industrial Network
  The Game Between Sino-US during the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
  China’s WTO Membership and the Non-Market Economy Status: discrimination and impediment to China’s foreign trade
  40th Anniversary of Shanghai Communique and Current China-U.S. Relations
  China in the WTO: A Chinese Perspective
  New Trend of the Obama Administration on Trade Remedies Concerning China
  A Study on Sino-U.S. Oil Competition
  Evolution and Development of Sino-U.S. BIT Negotiation Strategy
  The Political Tendency in Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations
  Origin of the US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Its Influence on International Financial Order
  A Study on Interest Grous in the Decision Making Process of the U.S. Foreign Aid Policies
  The Economic Friction and U.S.-Japan Relations---A Case of Bush's Presidency
  Three Factors Influencing U.S. Foreign Aid Policies
  U.S. Policy on Korean Nuclear Issue in the Context of Neo-Conservatism
  The U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act: A Case Study
  Increasing Trust and Explaining Doubts under High Pressure: A Review of the Second Chian-US Strategic Economic Dialogue
  Strategic Economic Dialogue and Sino-U.S. Relations
  China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue and U.S.-China Relations
  The Bush Administration's China Policy
  An Analysis of America's New Isolationist after the Cold War
  A Study of the Evolution of America's Nuclear Strategy in the Cold War
  China-U.S. Trade Relations: Developments and Challenges
  China-U.S. Trade Relations: Developments and Challenges
  A Study of the Evolution of America's Nuclear Strategy in the Cold War
  The Prospect of Bush Administration's China Policy
  The Establishment of a Normal China-U.S. Business Ties
  The Government Department in U.S. International Economic Policy Decision-Making Process
  American Achieved its "Out Containment" Strategy
  Quantitative Analysis Approach in the Western IRT Studies
  Diversification of International Currency is Inevitabale , 14-09-19
  His Second Term Will not be Easy , 12-11-08
  China and U.S. Need Re-Understanding , 12-11-02
  China and U.S. should Find Common Interests in Non-Traditional Economic and Trade Area , 12-02-20
  The China-U.S. Relations Needs a New Framework , 12-02-13
  A Long-Term Crisis of the Dollar is Inevitable , 11-08-16
  There is Absolutely need To Create a Society Befriend to China In Amrica , 11-01-06
  The Economic and Trade Relations of China-U.S. is Soft Landing Instead of Hard Confrontation , 10-12-31
  Three Pathes to Aviod Intensifiring Currency War , 10-11-09
  Properly Position the China-U.S. Economic and Trade Relation , 09-11-30
  The Watching Focus of Global Summit in London is more than Responsing Crisis , 09-04-01
  The Variability and Invariability of China-America Relations , 08-12-16
  Export Control and High-Tech Exports to China , 07-06-19
  Explain the Trade Sanction of America Exerted to China , 07-06-07
  The Point is to Build up Trust and Resolve Doubt , 07-05-22
  Bush follow the Policy of Regon administrationi , 04-06-07
  Debating "Marketing Economy Status" , 04-06-03
  A Survey of 911 Independent Investigation Committee , 04-04-17
  Analysing American Double Deficits , 03-12-17
  Dark Clouds May Still Existing under the Clear Sky , 03-12-14
  Inforcing Economic and Trade Relation between China-U.S. Benefit Interaction , 03-11-14
  Reading the Motivation of Aiding to Iraq , 03-10-23
  U.S. Presidential Election: Nine Donkeies to One Elephant , 03-09-13
  Remark on the Schwarzenegger's Running For Governor , 03-08-26
  Four Contradictions of America Faced in Iraq War , 03-04-07
  America and Iraq are on Fire , 03-02-20
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.