(World Affairs, 1st March, 2008)
America has once again entered a presidential election year. Many Americans believe that the presidency of George Bush Jr. has set the U.S. in the wrong direction, and that America now needs a new president who can put America "back on the right track"
When Bush Jr. first entered the White House, he inherited a rich legacy: after winning the Cold War, and enjoying the longest economic boom in history, American power and prestige had reached a historical peak. However, since that time the U.S., and the world at large, has experienced a series of changes that have knocked American self-confidence. The terorist attacks of 9/11 exposed America's weakness, Hurricane Katrina highlighted American incompetence, and the Iraq war demonstrated the limits of American power, as well as gradually reducing the ability of America to comprehensively manage international affairs. The world is changing; America is changing. However, is the world changing to accomodate America, or vice-versa?
This is a summary. Full article at:
