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Changes in U. S. Asian Security St rategy in the Early Post2Cold War Years

Wu Xinbo

American Studies Quarterly, No.3, 2002


This article discusses U.S. strategist spperceptions of Asian-Pacific security in the early post-Cold War period and the debate on how to readjust U.S. security policy in this region accordingly. In analyzing the readjustment of the strategy of the George Bush administration (1989-1992) , the article argues that , along with the ending of the Cold War , the administ ration attempted to change the strategy from“containment plusdeterrence”into “equilibrium plus deterrence,” taking the growth of Japanese power as a serious problem therein. The change of perception,however, did not alterthe security structure , which had been built up during the Cold War period. The limitation to the readjustment shows the Pentagonps uncertain attitude toward the development of regional security. As later developments have proved , Washington could bring the existing security mechanisms into full play once any challenge demands a redefinition of its guidelines for Asian2Pacific security strategy.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.