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Xu Yihua


Professor, Ph. D., Princeton University (Dept. of Religion, 1994)
Research Interests:History of Christianity in China, American Religion, Religion and International Relations


Xu Yihua is Professor at the Center for American Studies and Department of International Politics at Fudan University in Shanghai. He received his master's in history from Wuhan University and his doctorate in religion from Princeton University.

Dr. Xu is author of numerous books and scholarly articles on history of Christianity in China, American religion as well as religion and international relations.

Editor of Books

Xu Yihua, ed., Religion and Contemporary International Relations, no. 1-2, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2010;
Xu Yihua, ed., Religion and American Society, no. 1-6, Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2004-2009;
Xu Yihua and Zhang Qingxiong, eds., Christian Scholarship, no. 1-9, Shanghai: SDX Joint Publishing House, 2009-2010;            

  Books(Monograph and Translation )
  Studies on Religion and China's National Security
  Religion and U.S. Politics and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era
  Christian Scholarship
  Religion and China's Foreign Strategy
  Religion in Contemporary America
  Essays on History of Protestant Education in China
  St. John's University, Shanghai, 1879-1952
  Religion and the Recent China-US Relations
  The Protestant Episcopal China Mission and Chinese Society
  Understanding Protestant Church in China Today: A Concept about 'Believing China'
  Religion in American Politics and Diplomacy
  Episcopal Church in USA and the China Society
  Studies on Religion and China’s National Security in the Globalization Era
  National Security and United Front: Two Foci of China's Religious Policy
  La religion dans le context des relations sino-americaines
  Geo-Religion and Implications for China
  United Front and National Security: Two Foci of China's Religious Policy
  Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy after the Cold War, In Case of the "Sudan Movement" Revolted by American Religious Group
  Connection Between Religion and International Relations in Perspective of the Era of Gloablization
  Religious Factor and the Current China-U.S. Relations
  Religion in Current China-U.S. Relations
  "A Steering to Religion" in the Study of International Relations
  Contemporary Chinese Religion and the International Security
  Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century
  Religion in Contemporary International Relations
  "Four Spannings" During the Study of Contemporary International Missionary Movement
  Liberal Arts Education in English and Campus Culture at St. John's University
  A Research Paradigm on Religion and China s National Security
  Religion's Impact on Current American Politics and Diplomacy
  The Rise and Decline of the Student Volunteer Movement for the Ministry in Republic China
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.