Religion plays an increasingly explicit role in contemporary international politics,and the process of globalization serves to amply its impact on international relations and dom estic politics of many countries.Ever since the end of the Cold W ar one has seen more or less religiOUS background against an d dynamics underlying virtually all major international events.such as on—and一0f Palestinian—Israeli conflicts。the September 11 terrorist
attacks on the United States,intern ational counter—terrorism ,the Kosovo Conflict.etc.There is a view 曲af religion is coming back to the center of th e intern ational arena from the SO—called Westphalian exile.Some SCholar s of intem ational relations even ar gue af one cannot corectly understan d intern ational relations if he or she overlooks the role of religion.
Religion has even become kind ofa resource for rivalry am ongintern ational actors to be used for some most conspicuous contemporary political cam paigns or for gaining leverage in a major global political conflict,or for countering the threat from a foreign foe,or for acquiring a better position in intem ational politics.It Can also be said af the field of religion has become a “new frontier” in the study of contemporary intern ational