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Pan Yaling, America and the Securitization of Nuclear Terrorism, Contemporary International Relations, No.6, 2008
Liu Yongtao, The U.S.-China Relationships under the Regionalism in Eastnorth Asia, International Survey, No.3, 2008
Wu Xinbo, America's Influence to Taiwan Affairs: the Current Situation and Tendency, Contemporary International Relations, No.6, 2008
Pan Yaling, Securitization, International Cooperation and Dynamic Development of International Norms, Foreign Affairs Review, No.3, 2008
Wei Zongyou, From the Back is Seen the Future: An Analysis of the Bush National Space Policy, Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.4, 2008
Liu Yongtao, Language and International Relations Studies, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No.1, 2005
Liu Yongtao, Northeast Asian Security Regionalism: A Chinese Perspective, Jehoon Park and T. J. Tempel (eds.): Political Economy of Northeast Asian Regionalism (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008)
Cai Cuihong, Is Knowledge Society Possible in the International Arena?---A Constructive Interpretation of China’s Strategic Culture, China International Studies, Summer 2007 & Knowledge Politics Quarterly (Online),Volume 1 Issue 2, Spring 2008.
Shen Dingli, Can Sanctions Stop Proliferation?, The Washington Quarterly, Vol.31, No.3, Summer 2008
Liu Yongtao, Discourse as (In)Security Practice: Theory and Thetoric of "Axis of Evil", World Economics and Politics, No.5, 2008
Pan Rui, The U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act: A Case Study, Fudan Journal, Vol.2, 2008
Wang Yiwei, Human Nature in the International Relations Theory, World Economics and Politics, No.4, 2008
Zhao Kejin, The Rise of Political Marketing in the United States, American Studies Quarterly, No.2, 2008
Wu Xinbo, Managing Crisis and Sustaining Peace between China and the United States, United States Institute of Peace, April 2008.
Shen Dingli, China's Defensive Military Strategy: the Space Question, Survival, Vol.50, No.1, February-March 2008
Ni Shixiong, Qian Xuming, The New Interaction of U.S.-China Relations, World Economics and Politics Forum, No.3, 2008

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.