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an Analysis of the Core concepts of the Bush Administrations

Wu Xinbo

American Studies Quarterly, Vol.4, 2007


The article analyzes three basic concepts that affect the Bush Administrations security policy toward China-“dissuasion,”“hedging,” and deterrence.” “Dissuasion”is aimed at preventing China from engaging in military competition with the United States.“Hedging” is to deal with the“uncertainties”of China’s strategic trend.“Deterrence” is to prevent China from using force over Taiwan. The author hold sthat American security policy toward China guided by these concepts has increased pressure on China's security, in tensified the instability of the Taiwan Strait area,and made an egative impact on the political and security structure of the region. It goes against the Sino-US development trend and will cause tensions within the framework ofAmerica's China policy. Therefore,an adjustment is inevitable.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.