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Mr Robert Daly Comes to Visit 2015-06-09
Prof. Wu Entered the London Forum 2015-06-01
Consul General of U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai Comes to Visit 2015-05-29
Deputy Assistant Secretary of US Frank A. Rose Comes to Visit 2014-12-09
Professor Wu Received the Deputy Director of NAD of Australian Government DFAT, Graeme Meehan 2014-12-01
The 7th China-US Diplomats Dialogue was Held in America 2014-10-10
Australia's 26th Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Comes to Visit 2014-10-09
Professor Wu Xinbo Led the 3rd Expert Team of Chinese Foreign Ministry's Key Cooperation Think-Tanks to Visit the South Pacific Region 2014-09-26
Zhang Jiadong Accompanied President Xi Jinping to Gandhi's Tomb to Offer Flowers 2014-09-20
Mr. Kin Moy, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs of America Comes to Visit 2014-05-23
Dr. Pan Yaling Entered the U.S. National Security Decision-Making Seminar 2014-05-08
Professor Wu Xinbo Led the 41st China Foreign Ministry Expert Team to Visit U.S. 2014-04-17
Prof. Xin Qiang Attended the 35th anniversary of U.S.-China Relations: Diplomacy, Culture and Soft Power 2014-04-01
A Member of German Bundestag Comes to Visit 2014-03-05
The Director of America Research Center Visit Our center 2013-10-22
The Atlantic Council Fellows Come to Visit 2013-10-15

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