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  News and Events

Visit of the CAS to the Dalian Naval Academy, to Follow the Great Deeds of Prof. Fang Yonggang 2007-08-02
President of Waseda University, Japan Professor Katsuhiko Shirai as the Leader of a Delegation of the University Comes to Visit 2007-07-26
Bruce I. Newman from De Paul University Comes to Visit 2007-06-05
U.S. Pittsburgh Commercial Delegation Comes to Visit 2007-04-19
U.S. Delegation of Congressional Aides Comes to Visit 2007-04-12
Professor Lowel Dittmer of UC Berkeley Visted CAS 2006-09-26
Professor Thomas J. Christensen Visited the CAS 2006-09-13
The Delegation of Taiwan Visited the CAS 2006-07-27
Lt Gen Michael M. Dunn, president of National Defense University visited the CAS 2006-04-18
CAS representatives with General Stackpole, director of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Hawaii in April,2003 2003-05-28
CAS faculty attended the "US-China relations and regional security" conference in Hawaii. 2003-04-27
Francis Fukuyama visited the CAS 2003-03-10
Professor Ni Shixiong Visited Doctor Kissinger in the U.S. 2003-01-25
Members of the "Developments and Trends in Contemporary International Situation" program of Central Party School exchanged views with CAS faculty 2002-07-11
Vice President of the United State Al Gore Met with Zhou Dunren 2000-01-01
Professor Elaine S. Andersen Visited the CAS 1998-07-05

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.