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韦宗友:“深度 | 拜登到访越南,美越关系“连跳两级”,但“温差”仍存”,上观新闻 2023-09-11
宋国友:“涉中国商品,美方宣布“延长关税豁免”,专家解读”,《环球时报》 2023-09-08
蔡翠红:“全球半导体产业投资为何降温?(环球热点)”,《人民日报》 2023-09-07
韦宗友:“More US tariff exclusions for China urged”,《中国日报》 2023-09-07
吴心伯:“如何控制中美民间不断增长的敌意”,第二届“二十国集团+战略思想家对话会” 2023-09-06
吴心伯:“US urged to dump Trump tariffs on China, take substantive moves to maintain stabilizing ties”,《环球时报》 2023-09-06
信强:“DPP's distortion of UN Resolution 2758 extremely dangerous separatist provocations: Chinese FM”,《环球时报》 2023-09-05
宋国友:“如何延续中美高层沟通的良好势能”,《环球时报》 2023-08-30
赵明昊:“中美竞合︱再造美国梦:“拜登经济学”能行吗?”,澎湃新闻 2023-08-30
吴心伯:“美国商务部长雷蒙多首次访华,中美谈得怎么样?”,观察者网 2023-08-30
信强:“【解局】中美建立新沟通渠道,释放了哪些信号?”,环球网 2023-08-29
吴心伯:“Visit marks progress to fairer world”,《中国日报》 2023-08-28
韦宗友:“Outcomes of US official's visit seen as sincerity test”,《中国日报》 2023-08-28
吴心伯:“China, US agree on new channels to address trade issues Mechanisms for talks ‘necessary’, but concrete actions from Washington needed: experts”,《环球时报》 2023-08-28
吴心伯:“Setting up mechanism to address specific trade issues may be the best outcome from Raimondo’s China visit: expert”,《环球时报》 2023-08-28
宋国友:“US commerce chief embarks on China visit; high-level contacts expected to stabilize bilateral ties”,《环球时报》 2023-08-27

