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韦宗友:“Outcomes of US official's visit seen as sincerity test”,《中国日报》 2023-08-28
吴心伯:“China, US agree on new channels to address trade issues Mechanisms for talks ‘necessary’, but concrete actions from Washington needed: experts”,《环球时报》 2023-08-28
吴心伯:“Setting up mechanism to address specific trade issues may be the best outcome from Raimondo’s China visit: expert”,《环球时报》 2023-08-28
宋国友:“US commerce chief embarks on China visit; high-level contacts expected to stabilize bilateral ties”,《环球时报》 2023-08-27
吴心伯:“深度| 美商务部长今起访华,为什么说这是中美经贸团队最重要的一次接触?”,《解放日报·上观新闻》 2023-08-27
韦宗友:“In-depth trade talks with US likely next week”,《中国日报》 2023-08-25
宋国友:“US seeks to extend sci-tech pact with China ahead of Raimondo’s visit, ‘a sign to stabilize ties’”,《环球时报》 2023-08-24
赵明昊:““全球南方”“全球东方”与中美博弈”,中美聚焦 2023-08-22
宋国友:“增加航班数量,美方还需做更多”,《环球时报》 2023-08-21
赵明昊:“The U.S.-Japan-ROK trilateral mechanism fuels camp-based confrontation”,CGTN 2023-08-19
宋国友:“走共建共享共赢之路”,《人民日报》 2023-08-18
韦宗友:“信用评级下调折射美国治理失能(环球热点)”,《人民日报》 2023-08-15
赵明昊:“气候特使克里即将访华 中美合作能否“回暖”?”,看看新闻Knews 2023-08-11
吴心伯:“美国强化对华科技遏制,也将反噬自身”,《解放日报》 2023-08-11
信强:“China well on track of stable economic recovery, defying ‘time bomb’ rhetoric”,《环球时报》 2023-08-11
吴心伯:“深度|限制投资中国,拜登签署这个“史无前例”的法令有啥考虑?影响几何?”,《解放日报·上观新闻》 2023-08-10

