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Three Dimensions of Harmonious World

Wang Yiwei

Teaching and Research, No.2, 2007


The concept of“harmonious world”signals important innovation and transformation in the Chinese diplomatic philosophy and diplomatic theory.By this the concept of harmonious society has been extended to harmonious world , that is, from the domestic level to t he international level, from being expressed by the world to expressing the world , from process to product, andhas fulfilled the national will of peaceful rise (peaceful development) for completion of China's self-orientation in the world.This makes a strong case against the theory of“menace from China”, and serves as anot her piece of evidence that China is a responsible big power.Three connotations of the concept harmonious world are summarized in this paper, namely, harmonious system, harmonious power, and harmonious values.It claims that the world can be stable, secure and peaceful only when people stick to maintaining a three dimension conception of harmony, that is, a holistic view, mutual benefits, and co-existence.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.