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Historical Studies of Sovereignty and Its Future Reformation

Zhao Kejin, Ni Shixiong

Teaching and Research, No.10, 2005


State sovereignty has been a recurrent theme among researchers. The author holds that only by a diachronic exploration of changes of sovereignty from an institutional perspective can we expect to grasp the f uture trend of sovereignty. Viewed in this way , state sovereignty is but an aspect of instit utional sovereignty with in the famework of modern states. With the progress of globalization and changes of social conditions , reformation of sovereignty is inevitable.The author concludes that reformation of sovereignty depends on an interactive process of various relations such as state sovereignty and people sovereignty , sovereignty shared among different nations , state sovereignty and autonomy of market economy , state sovereignty and social society autonomy , state sovereignty and sub2state autonomy and so on. A general framework of f uture sovereignty will take shape in this interactive process.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.