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Public Diplomacy and Its Impact on the Theorie s of International Relations: A Framework of Analysis

Tang Xiaosong, Wang Yiwei

European Studies, No.4, 2003


Public diplomacy is defined as the diplomacy of a national government influencing other country’s audience1Its methods of activity include cultural exchange programs ,international broadcasting services , Internet and etc., and with information and language as its main expression1At present ,the debates on public diplomacy focus on its theoretical belonging 1The main premise of the mainstream IR theories is “anarchy”,in which conflicts overshadow cooperations ; therefore it is difficult for public diplomacy to be conceptualized1This paper argues that ,with the profound development of globalization and accelerated spreading of information ,especially when increasingly more scholars and decision-makers define international system as“communicative space of information”,it is time that public diplomacy be re-recognized as a theory of international relations.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.