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US Economic Sanctions Against China: Trends and Implications

Cai Cuihong

International Studies,No.6,2024,pp.32-52


To safeguard its global hegemony, the United States has increasingly intensified its competition with China. Economic sanctions are one of the most prominent tools in its broader strategy of containment. These sanctions play a critical, long-term, and systematic role in the strategic competition between the US and China, underscoring the US’ goal of restraining China’s progress in such key areas as industry, technology and military. In recent years, the trends of US economic sanctions against China have been marked by a substantial increase in the number of sanctions, a shift toward technology-related targets, an expansion of affected sectors, and greater international coordination. While these sanctions are likely to hinder China’s industrial upgrading, strain China-US relations, and disrupt global supply chains, their effectiveness will also be subject to many limitations.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.