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America First and the Reconstruction of Trump Administration's National Cyber Strategy

Wang Xiaofeng

Fudan Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol. 4, 2019


  "America First" reflects the profound changes in the relationship between the U.S. and the world. These changes stem from the new challenges brought about globalization, multi-polarization and informationization in the post-Cold War age, and the frustration when U.S. attempts to incorporate these new challenges into the current international system. The national cyber strategy is part of the Trump administration's grand strategy to reshape the relationship between the U.S. and the world on the principle of strength, including the establishment of new rules in dealing with external intervening in U.S. politics via cyberspace, the attempt of enhancing cyber combat capabilities and strengthening cyber deterrence, the expansion of U.S. national interests in promoting international cooperation in cyberspace, and the adjustments to the policy objectives and operational mechanisms of cyber diplomacy and cyber intelligence. Since the ruling idea of "America First" as the guiding principle of foreign policy contains inherent contradictions, the U.S. government will face a more complicated international environment when promotes its national cyber strategy. Whether it can realize the effective integration of national interest needs and cyberspace characteristics will be an important challenge that the Trump administration will face.


  Trump Administration; Cyber Strategy; America First


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.