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The Adjustments of U.S. Cyber Intelligence Policy after Snowden Leaks

Wang Xiaofeng

Contemporary International Relations, Vol. 11, 2018


  In order to relieve domestic and international pressures due to Snowden Leaks, the U.S. government strengthened supervision on cyber intelligence activities, regulated the collection, storage, application and sharing of cyber intelligence through legislative and administrative measures, and suspended some infringements of personal privacy and business interests. Meanwhile, the U.S. government increased investment to cope with the opportunities and challenges brought by the rapid development of cyberspace and the application of new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence. The article argues that the U.S. government will pay more attention to cyber intelligence, and will be more cautious in making cyber intelligence projects covert operations. Since the international society can hardly form a continuous external pressure and effective restraint mechanism, in the near future, the globally internet surveillance by the U.S. intelligence community still poses threat on cyberspace and international relations.


  U.S.; PRISM; Snowden Leaks; Cyber Intelligence


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.