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Tea Party Movement: Remolding Rightest Conservation in the U.S.

Liu Yongtao

Teaching and Research, Vol.9, 2013


In recent years, with its grave economic recession, soaring up of federal budget deficits and debts, the Unite States has confronted a revival of tea party movement nationwide, which has been exerting enomous social, political as well as ideological impacts on the nation. The tea party movement aims at rescuing and transforming U.S. society today by remaking rightest conservatism as dominant ideology in American social and political life. Drawing intellectual sources from traditions of conservatism, libertarianism, and populism, it consists of tea party activists, advocates, and supporters in social media/think tanks as well as conservative republican lawmakers, who have voiced ultra-conservative ideas and positions in the debates of U.S. public policies including U.S. policy toward China.


2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.