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Beyond International Relations:A Chinese Cultural Understanding of IR Theories

Wang Yiwei

World Knowledge Press, Published in Dec. 2007


Preface  Critical Weapons Cannot Substitute for Criticism of Weapons 1

Section I  A Philosophical Understanding of International Relations Theory

Chapter I  Two Antinomies in International Relations 9
§1.  Concepts and International Relations 9
§2.  Three Dimensions of IR Studies 11
§3.  Evolutionary Law of International Relations 14

Chapter II  The Live-force of Hypothesis in International Relations 18
§1.  The Living-force Hypothesis on Sovereignty 20
§2.  The Living-force Hypothesis on the Reasons for War 28
§3.  Embodiment of Balance of Power: The Strategy, Theorem and Idea of Balance of Power 39

Section II  A Political Understanding of International Relations Theory

Chapter III The Americanization of IR Theory: Theoretical Analysis 57
§1. Between Science and Art: Questionable International Relations Theories, 57
§2. On National Identity in International Relations Theories 72
§3. The Theorization of International Relations Theory 88

Chapter IV The Americanization of IR Theory: Case Studies 96
§1.  Case Study I: Triangular Peace and American Peace 96
§2.  Case Study II: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics and the Tragedy of International Relations Theories 103
§3.  Case Study III: The American Roots and the Appearance of Liberalism 111

Section III  A Cultural Understanding of International Relations Theory

Chapter V  To Construct Chinese IR Theory: Impossible Mission? 120
§1.  Why is There No Chinese International Relations Theory? 121
§2.  The Theory-Identity Dilemma: The Myth of Chinese Nationalism 126
§3.  Between Thought and Theory: The Throes of Chinese IR Theory 140

Chapter VI  How Can a “Chinese School” Be: A Cultural Perspective 152
§1. Comparative Analysis of International Relations and a Possible Chinese School in International Relations Theories 152
§2. China’s View of International Civilization and Internationalization of Chinese Political Civilization 159
§3. The Harmonious World Outlook Is Transcending IR Theories

Postscript  IR Theory Is Humanity by International Means 190
References 206
Acknowledgments 210

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.