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The delegation of researchers at the Center for American Studies of Fudan University visited Washington for academic exchanges


  On April 26-28,2018, Professor Wu Xinbo, Director of the Center for American Studies and Dean of the Institute of International Studies, Professor Song Guoyou, Deputy Director of CAS, Associate Research Fellow Pan Yaling and Assistant Professor Wang Hao visited Washington for academic exchanges. During the visit, the CAS delegation members participated in the symposium held at The Brookings Institution and The Asia Foundation respectively, exchanging in-depth views on Sino-U.S. relations. The CAS members also paid visits to Gorgetown University,CSIS and the White House National Security Council.

  Meanwhile, the delegates from CAS, FUDAN set out to the Chinese Embassy in Washington for advancing communication in the course of routine work. Professor Xin Qiang, who is currently on the academic visit in the U.S., attended the events as well.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.