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The delegation of experts and scholars led by Professor WU Xinbo and commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA) visited the United States


  On November 25th-29th, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA), the delegation of experts, scholars led by Professor WU Xinbo, Director of the Center for American Studies and Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, visited Chicago and Washington in the U.S., conducting the investigation and survey, for intensive dialogues on American politics, economy and diplomatic circumstances following the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections with scholars in institutes of higher learning, local officials, manufacturing companies, enterprises, federal and local councillors as well as renowned think tank experts, together in attendance with Prof. SONG Guoyou, Deputy Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, Assistant Professor WANG Hao, and the delegates from the MFA’s Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs present at the tour.

  In Chicago, the delegates visited China's Consulate-General, Chicago University, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Schaumburg Business Association, Legislative Districts of Illinois - Illinois State Board of Elections successively, elaborating on American politics, local governance, the status quo of Midwest business and economic zone. Meanwhile, Professor WU was invited to deliver a fabulous speech to the Consulate staff on current Sino-U.S. relations.

  The members of the delegation visited American Enterprise Institute and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace(prestigious think tanks) in Washington, convening the outreach to the scholars on American politics, economy and China-U.S. relations, building a comprehensive picture of the evolution of U.S. domestic and foreign affairs. Furthermore, part of the members met with Mr. Robert Bruce Zoellick, eleventh president of the World Bank and former United States Deputy Secretary of State. During the trip, the delegates went on a tour of Chinese Embassy in the United States for advancing communication in the course of routine work with Envoy XU Xueyuan and Counsellor ZHU Haiquan.

  The Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, as the Key Cooperation Institute for Policy Studies of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, committed to undertaking overseas surveys designated by the Department of Policy Planning, the Department of Asian Affairs and the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China for consecutive years, has constituted enormous contributions in the realms of diplomatic policy-making and consultancy.

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