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Lecture Series on Taiwan Election(I): Mass Media and Election (March 16,2004)


A Media Panel was held at Center for American Studies, Fudan University, on the afternoon of March 16, 2004. About 20 scholars from Columbia University (US), Taiwan and Fudan University participated in the panel. In addition, editors and journalists of some major newspapers and television stations including Zhang Jie, producer of the CCTV-1 and Xu Zhiyuan, editor of the Economic Observe were also invited attending the panel. The panel lasted for almost four hours. Participants discussed on a wide range of topics about the mass media, covering “professionalism” and some case analyses on Southern Weekend and News Observer. Students of Fudan gave their critical comments on the panel as well. The panel was a great success and left deep impression to all the participants.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.