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Susan Gregson, Canadian Consul General in Shanghai, Visits CAS, Nov.21,07


21st November 2007: Susan Gregson, Canadian Consul General in Shanghai, visited the CAS to deliver a speech entitled “Canadian Foreign Policy: Opportunities for China and Canada”. The audience learned about the current hot issues in relations between the two countries.

Mrs. Gregson is an experienced observer of such topics, having studied at the Fudan University Chinese Department in 1979-80. Before her lecture Mrs. Gregson was met by Prof. Chen Yinzhang, Assistant President of Fudan University and Director of the Foreign Affairs Department, and Prof. Shen Dingli, Director of the CAS and Deputy Dean of the International Relations Research Centre at Fudan University, and both sides engaged in a mutually agreeable meeting.

Following Mrs. Gregson’s lecture, officials from the Candadian Consulate in Shanghai delivered a presentation on “Canadian-Chinese Academic Collaboration”.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.