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Featured Lecture Series on “Scholarly Researches in Coherence with the Trajectory of Life” Debuted the Start-up Launch at Fudan University


  To further inherit and promote the intrinsic academic atmosphere, integral discipline capacity-building, spur the dedicated pursuit of meticulous and in-depth researches, blaze the dauntless innovative trails with excellence, propel sound advancements in the realm of international studies, Featured Lecture Series on “Scholarly Researches in Coherence with the Trajectory of Life ” delivered by the prestigious academics debuted the start-up launch at Institute of International Studies, Fudan University.

   On the afternoon of June 14th, 2019, WANG Jisi, Professor at the School of International Studies and President of the Institute of the International and Strategic Studies, Peking University, Honorary President of the Chinese Association for American Studies, acknowledged as one of the best-known political scientists in international relations nationwide, presented the inaugural address entitled “Drawbacks and Errors Generate Impetus to Dynamic Progress ”in Auditorium 108, Center for American Studies, Fudan University, to unveil the engaging solid academic merits and share vibrant life bonds via perceptive insights over the past four decades with nearly one hundred faculty members and students present on the scene. Professor WANG unfolded narratives with regard to the keen pursuit of learning and fundamentals of career paths at the interface with studies on international politics, academic visits to UK and the U.S. as well as the specific researches and policy-making advisory service. Following the talk, the distinguished presenter conducted interactive and robust discussions with  the audience  in the scope of  theoretical development, boundaries, characteristics in the discipline of international relations and reflections on related academic concepts. Professor WU Xinbo, Director of the Center for American Studies and Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University moderated the event.

   Inherent with the ethos,  Featured  Lecture  Series  on  “Scholarly Researches in Coherence with the Trajectory of Life”  extend invitations for keynote presentations delivered by distinguished experts who have attained a prodigious number of exceptional academic accomplishments, outstanding professional ethics and meticulous scholarship in the domain of international relations, striving to create an ultra-tier exchange platform to engender proactive inheritance of scrupulous research undertakings and facilitate the utmost acquisitions of comprehending multifaceted essence in life.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.