On the afternoon of April 23rd, 2021, Professor Yang Guangbin (Dean of School of International Studies at Renmin University of China), distinguished keynote speaker upon invitation, delivered the academic presentation in the Featured Lecture Series convened at the Center for American Studies. Professor WU Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Studies cum Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University facilitated the academic event.
In the vein of historical political science, Professor Yang Guangbin reviewed the constitutional and economic dimensions, national scopes, decision-making mechanisms, the broader political, institutional, socio-economic trends with insightful perceptions and research on the American political system. Professor Song Wei from Renmin University of China, Editor Wu Hongwei from Fudan University Press, Professor Xin Qiang, Associate Professor Wang Hao, Assistant Professor Wen Yao from Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, presented attendance at the CAS Thematic Series Lecture, which concurrently engaged an audience aggregating over forty faculty members and students at Fudan University.
Traversing the midst of the live session, participants’ robust discussions concerning inter-ethnic and interstate relations as well as political and institutional contexts heartened and evoked repercussions on the scene.
Forging into the follow-up interactive rounds, the CAS Featured Series Lecture inaugurated the echoing culmination on illuminations of methodology, perspectives and relevant doctoral research by virtue of Professor Wu Xinbo's leading-in to the Q & A session integrating brimming subtleties with perspicacious sagacity.
(Source:Center for American Studies, Fudan University. Preceding News Edited and Translated by Mao Xiaojun)