On April 9th, 2021, Fudan University and Georgetown University co-hosted "The Future of China- U.S. Relationship–A Student-to-Student Dialogue".
Twelve Fudan undergraduates and thirteen Georgetown undergraduates participated in the live session of online dialogues. Professor Wu Xinbo, Dean of Institute of International Studies cum Director of Center for American Studies, Fudan University and Professor Thomas Banchoff, Vice President for Global Engagement at Georgetown University and Professor in the Department of Government and Walsh School of Foreign Service presented attendance at the fabulous event.
The ninety-minute dialogue proceeded with opening plenary remarks adressed by Professor Wu and Professor Banchoff. In the ensuing rounds, paticipants delivered brief self-introductions and interactive discussions featured student-led delivery modes facilitated by mentors. Select attendants probed into specific topics in relation to climate change, global health and engaged in profound exchanges of perspectives with regard to Sino-U.S. relations as well as the prospects onwards.
A Student-to-Student Dialogue themed with "The Future of China- U.S. Relationship" conluded with grand success enlivened by participants’ intellectual wits and passionate eloquence.
(Source:Center for American Studies, Fudan University. Preceding News Edited and Translated by Mao Xiaojun)