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The Center & the State Innovative Institute for American Studies Conducted Mid-term Examination for the Second Phase Projects


  April 24, the State Innovative Institute for American Studies conducted a mid-term examination for the second phase projects launched in June, 2007.

  Persons in charge of the five projects (American Foreign Policy, American Intellectual Property Rights Legislature Studies, American Mid-Asia Policy and Great-power relations, American International Economic Policy and Policy-making Mechanism Studies, American Politics Theoratical Studies) reported respectively on the development of the project since it was launched and on some changes made accordingly to the current situation, including the progress regarding published papers and monographs.

  Experts present at the meeting (Professor Shen Dingli, Professor Wu Xinbo, Deputy Director of the Department for Social Sciences, Mr. Ge Hongbo) offered earnest and detailed assessments on each project, besides affirming the achievements made by the project teams, they also pointed out some problems, and offered their advice on how to make improvements.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.