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The release ceremony of the Festschrift to commemorate the anniversary of the passing away of Professor Wang Xi was held at Center for American Studies, Fudan University


  On December 24, 2017, the release ceremony of the Festschrift to commemorate the anniversary of the passing away of Professor Wang Xi, jointly organized by Center for American Studies (CAS), Fudan University, Shanghai Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association and Department of History, Fudan University was held at CAS, Fudan. More than 60 participants, including the colleagues who co-worked with Professor Wang during his life, Professor Wang’s relatives, teachers and students at Fudan University, attended the event. Professor Wu Xinbo, Director of Center for American Studies, Fudan University hosted the memorial of the day.

  At the release ceremony of the Festschrift in memory of Professor Wang Xi, Wang Shengyang, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association and Yan Feng, president of Fudan University Press Co., Ltd. inaugurated the ceremony and unveiled the Festschrift entitled The Unbending Quest in the Endless Succession of Life to commemorate Professor Wang Xi. The collected works, prefaced by Zi Zhongyun,grand academic researcher in the community of American studies and  Zhou Hanmin,Vice Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association and Chairman of Shanghai Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, incorporates over 40 articles written by Professor Wang’s relatives, old friends and students to recollect the extraordinary path of academics and life of the prominent scholar.

  In the memorial session, Zhou Mingwei(former Director of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration),Wang Shengyang(Vice Chairman of Shanghai Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association), Huang Yang(Professor and Director, Department of History, Fudan University), as well as the guests and relatives present at the event, reminisced about the dribs and drabs of working, living and learning together with Professor Wang Xi to commemorate his great contributions to our country, society and academia, to learn and inherit the academic atmosphere of conducting researches with perseverance consistently and writing papers without being long-winded and devoid of substances, the spirit of  open-minded cheerfulness, meticulousness about handling matters, willingness to help others and the ethos of being well-versed in the learning of both Chinese and western studies, taking the ideal of cherishing benevolence in the world to the innermost depths of heart.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.