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The 11th High-end Series Lecture organized by Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship was held at Center for American Studies, Fudan University


   On the afternoon of January 5, 2018, the 11th High-end Series Lecture organized by Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship was held at Center for American Studies, Fudan University. Professor Robert S. Ross, Associate at John Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University and Professor of Political Science at Boston College delivered a fabulous lecture entitled The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy and U.S. Security Policy in East Asia. Professor Wu Xinbo, Executive Director of Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship, Director of Center for American Studies and Dean, Institute of International Studies of Fudan University moderated the event.

   In the perspective of the change in the balance of power between China and the U.S.,Professor Ross dissected the underlying causes for the adjustment of American military foreign policies and he holds the view that the rising strength of China is continuing to advance the U.S. strategic adjustment. The so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy, in essence, is a crucial part to balance East Asian powers, through which India and the U.S. will develop more naval cooperation and America, in turn, will gain more opportunities to make use of Indian naval bases. At the very conclusion of the lecture, Professor Ross presented the full views of the prospect of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, U.S. Security Policy in East Asia and China-U.S. strategic cooperation.

   The faculty members and students from Fudan University, Tongji University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Shanghai Institute of American Studies participated in the event and interacted actively with Professor Ross on the related issues.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.