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ZPMC-FUDAN Cooperative Exchange Sessions on "Prestigious Enterprise-University Stratospheric Interworking"


  On the afternoon of September 1st, 2020, Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd.(ZPMC)'s Secretary of the Party Committee cum Board Chair Zhu Lianyu and the entourage totalling over ten delegates inaugurated exchange visits to Fudan University. Ensuing a guided tour to the former residence of Chen Wangdao (The Exhibition Hall of The Communist Manifesto), renowned Chinese scholar, educator and linguist who had completed the first full Chinese translation version of The Communist Manifesto so far, the delegates proceeded towards the Center for American Studies at Fudan Univeristy for cooperative exchanges in the company of Professor Jin Li, Executive Vice President of Fudan Univeristy and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. An aggregated dozen of represetatives from Institute of International Studies, School of Life Sciences, Human Phenome Institute and School of Computer Science, Fudan University presented attendance at the remarkable event.

  Fudan Univeristy's Executive Vice President Jin Li extended a cordial welcome to the visiting delegates led by Board Chair Zhu Lianyu at ZPMC-FUDAN Cooperative Exchange Sessions. Professor Jin Li noted that "Prestigious Enterprise-University Stratospheric Interworking" bore immense significance and incubated relevance in Fudan Univeristy’s concerted endeavors to build the global top-notch university with Chinese characteristics and the leading entrepreneurial heavy-duty equipment manufacturer ZPMC with anticipation to establish strategic partnerships.

  ZPMC Board Chair Zhu Lianyu briefed that henceforth by virtue of comprehensively strengthening strategic collaboration with Fudan Univeristy, both sides would blaze collaborative avenues to propel international affairs consultation, fundamental scientific research, artificial intelligence & big data and talents cultivation.

  Professor Wu Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Studies and Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, emphatically highlighted that the community as a whole would be committed to forging the premier university-affiliated think tank nationwide with resounding prestige. Chinese corporate enterprises should implement “going global” strategy to access international markets with due account of political risks and geopolitical circumstance studies on targeted markets globally.

  Ambassador Yang Jian, Director of the Center for China's Relations with Neighboring Countries and Vice Dean Qi Huaigao of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University partook in the thematically collaborative sessions as well.

  Notably, the delegation encompassing a score of faculty members from the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University visited ZPMC Manufacturing Bases, Changxing Island, Shanghai, China on June 30th, 2020, probing into issues with regard to global port economy and Chinese corporations' investment in overseas ports. In the meanwhile, exchange activities on primary-level Party building commenced with extensive engagement.

  The Shanghai-based ZPMC, a leading entrepreneurial heavy-duty equipment manufacturer, state-holding corporation listed on both the A-shares and B-shares market, reaps accreditation as one of the largest port machinery heavy-duty equipment manufacturers domestically, sub-regionally and internationally.

         (Source: Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. News Edited and Translated by Mao Xiaojun)

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.