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Fudan American Review Recognized as "2024 High-Impact Academic Jikan"


Recently, Fudan American Review was awarded the title of "2024 High-Impact Academic Jikan" by the China Science and Technology Information Research Center, ranking first in the fields of Area Studies and Political Science. Jikan is a kind of collection of papers, which published as one volume with ISBN.


The China Science and Technology Information Research Center selected the "2024 High-Impact Academic Jikan" based on citation frequency and download frequency, using the "Jikan Impact Index" as the evaluation criterion. The index was used to assess Jikan included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), aiming to objectively reflect the academic influence of domestic Jikan and showcase their academic value. Fudan American Review scored 28.475, ranking first in both Area Studies and Political Science, and third overall among all selected Jikan.

As academic research continues to thrive, Jikan (collection of papers), under the organization and planning of specialized editorial teams, regularly conduct academic publishing activities and have become important platforms for the dissemination of academic achievements and scholarly communication. It is reported that CNKI currently includes 1,159 Jikan across 18 subject areas. A total of 166 Jikan were selected as part of the "2024 High-Impact Academic Jikan" list.


Fudan American Review, founded in 2001, is a specialized academic Jikan published by the Fudan University Center for American Studies. It is the only domestic academic Jikan focused exclusively on American studies and Sino-American relations. It has been repeatedly included in the China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) list of source Jikan.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.