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Zhao Minghao


Deputy Director, Center for American Studies, Fudan University
Professor, Ph.D.
Research Interests:China's Foreign Policy; Sino-U.S. Relations; Asia-Pacific Security


Dr. Minghao ZHAO is a Professor at the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. Prior to joining Fudan University in 2019, he served as a senior fellow and deputy director for strategic studies at China Center for Contemporary World Studies, the in-house think tank of International Department of the CPC’s Central Committee (IDCPC). He has been awarded the IDCPC Prize for Excellence in Policy Research. He also holds the following positions: Member of China National Committee, Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP); Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University; Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University.

  His research focuses on Sino-US relations, and Asia-Pacific security. He is the author of Strategic Restraint: Is New-type Sino-US Relationship Possible and The Belt & Road Initiative and China’s Connectivity-oriented Global Diplomacy. He has authored over 40 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and chapters in books. The policy reports written by him have informed Chinese high-ranking leaders including members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC. He has also briefed officials from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other Chinese government agencies. He has contributed policy papers for Center for American Progress, US National Bureau of Asian Research, and Italian Institute of International Affairs among other research institutions.

  He has been awarded research grants from the National Social Sciences Fund of China, National Development and Reform Commission of China, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China Ministry of Science and Technology, PLA Academy of Military Sciences, China Development Research Foundation, the Sumitomo Foundation of Japan, and other institutions. His opinion pieces have been featured in People's Daily, China Daily, New York Times, Project Syndicate, Nikkei Asian Review, The Diplomat among other media outlets.

  He has participated in international research projects, such as Global Trends and China-US Relations, a project co-sponsored by the Atlantic Council and China Institute for International Studies. He has been invited to speak at international conferences, including World Peace Forum (Tsinghua University), Beijing Forum (Peking University), Xiangshan Forum (China Association of Military Science), Global Strategic Review Conference (International Institute for Strategic Studies, UK), Atlantic Dialogue (German Marshall Fund, US), The Rhodes Forum (The Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Russia), and Asan Beijing Forum (Asan Institute for Policy Studies, ROK).

  He received a Ph.D. in International Relations, a MA in Diplomatic History, and a BA in Art Studies from Peking University. He also earned a LL.M in International Human Rights Law from a joint program by Lund University, Sweden and Peking University. He has held visiting scholarships in the United States, Italy, Japan, and Taiwan.

Books (Monograph and Translation)

*Strategic Restraint: Is New-type Sino-US Relationship Possible, Beijing: China People’s Publishing House, 2016

*The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Connectivity-oriented Global Diplomacy, Beijing: The Commercial Press, forthcoming


Selected Peer-reviewed Articles and Policy Papers





*Intensification of Sino-US Strategic Competition and Regional Security, CSCAP Regional Security Outlook 2022 (ISBN: 978-0-642-60730-0),December 2021

*The Belt and Road Initiative and China-US strategic competition, China International Strategy Review (ISSN:25245627), Vol. 3, No.2, 2021








*《从Tik Tok事件看美国对华战略竞争》,《对外传播》2020年第11期




* Chinese Perspectives on US-China Strategic Competition, The Chinese Journal of International Politics (ISSN: 1750-8924), vol.12, no. 3, 2019











*The Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for China-Europe Relations, International Spectator (ISSN: 0393-2729), vol.51, no.4, 2016






* China’s New Silk Road Initiative, IAI Working Paper (ISSN: 2280-4331) 15/37, October 2015, Italian Institute for International Affairs




* March Westwards and a New Look on China’s Grand Strategy, Mediterranean Quarterly (ISSN: 1047-4552), vol.26, no.1, 2015(该文葡萄牙语版本应邀发表于巴西《国际政治》杂志  VOLUME 23 No1 POLíTICA EXTERNA ISSN: 1983-3121 2014年7-9月)




* The Transformation of Strategic Mindsets and China-US Cooperation, China International Studies (ISSN 1673-3258), July/August 2014





* “Afghanistan and China-US Relations,” in Exploring the Frontiers of US-China Strategic Cooperation, Policy Report, Center for American Progress, November 2014






* Le trasformazioni nel sistema internazionale e l’apertura strategica di Washington e Pechino, Orizzonte Cina (ISSN: 2280-8035), March 2013


*《“权力与规则并非敌人”:< 美利坚世界秩序的起源、危机与转型>读后》,《美国研究》2013年第1期









Chapters in Scholarly books and monographs















  The belt & road initiative and U.S.-China competition over the global South
  The US Strategy to Maintain Hegemonyand the Future of China-US Relations
  Infrastructure Statecraft and Sino-U.S. Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific
  The Covid-19 Pandemic and Intensification of U.S.-China Strategic Competition
  Blinken to visit China, discuss bilateral ties , 24-04-22
  China-U.S. Rivalry Through a Tech Lens , 24-02-29
  US visit aims to widen scope of exchanges , 24-01-15
  Can China and U.S. Increase Stability? , 24-01-05
  US lawmakers' visit seen as new window for dialogue , 23-10-05
  US’ arrogance, strategic intentions to counter China laid bare amid 2nd US-Pacific Islands summit , 23-09-25
  The 'spy balloon' farce reflects U.S.'s hysteria towards China , 23-07-04
  Asia-Pacific needs to rethink , 23-04-17
  Experts: After Tsai's US transit, China needs to be vigilant , 23-04-04
  US must attend to deeper factor of tensions with China , 23-01-31
  The Role of the 20th CPC National Party Congress in Managing the U.S.-China Relationship , 22-10-28
  US using Taiwan card risks imperiling ties , 22-08-08
2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.