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Power Rises Absolutely While the Status Decline Relatively 2008-12-09
America Will be the Largest Loser 2008-12-08
Hillary:How to Contact with China? 2008-12-01
Yes, Madam Secretary 2008-11-24
It is not Enough to Change the Color 2008-11-18
Don't Expecting Washington Congerence 2008-11-14
There Will Be More Obama in America 2008-11-07
Obama May be Pushing China to Join into G8 2008-11-06
Major Aspects of the American Presidential Election 2008-11-05
Congratulations,Obama, Congratulations,America 2008-11-05
The Backside of Leaning to One Side 2008-10-28
One-year's Politcal Race Is Coming to an End: Obama's Advantages Hard to Shake 2008-10-27
Good Institution and Bad Institution 2008-10-22
There Should be Some Claims Before China help the West 2008-10-21
China's Strategic Opportunities in the Crisis 2008-10-21
The Return of Black Bear Island Will Enhance the Sino-Russia Relationships 2008-10-15

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.