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Wu Xinbo, Building a New Model of China-U.S. Relationship: Assessment and Proposal, Fudan Journal, Vol.4, 2014
Song Guoyou, New Changes and Trend of China-U.S. Trade Relations, Fudan Journal, Vol.4, 2014
Song Guoyou, China's FDI: Potential limitation and strategy,
Xu Yihua, Episcopal Church in USA and the China Society, in Xu Yihua, eds., Christian Scholarship XI, Shanghai: Sdxjoint Publishing Company, July 2014
Song Guoyou, 2013 American Economy: Strengthen the Foundation of Growth, in Huang Ping,Zheng Binwen eds., Blue Book of the United States 2014, Social Sciences Academic Press, Jul 2014
Wu Xinbo, The Developmental Model American Proud of Faces Challenge, Red Flag Manu, Vol 12, 2014
Cai Cuihong, The Reform of Big Data and Its Challenges in International Relations, World Economics and Politics, Vol.5, 2014
Xin Qiang, "Sub Axis": The Role Transiton of Japan in the America Asia-Pacific Security Layout, World Economics and Politics, Vol.4, 2014
Pan Yaling, International Norms Change and China's Response, World Economics and Politics, Vol.4, 2014
Song Guoyou, Germany's New Deal and the EU Prospects, in World Economic Analysis & Outlook: 2013-2014, Social Sciences Academic Press, Mar 2014
Song Guoyou, China's Neighboring Economic Diplomacy: Mechanism Coordination and Strategic Choices, International Studies, Vol 2, 2014
Wang Xiaofeng, The Use of Social Media in U.S. Diplomacy toward China, American Studies Quarterly, Vol.1, 2014
Wu Xinbo, Agenda for a New Great Power Relationship, The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2013/2014, pp 65-78.
Cai Cuihong, U.S. Preemptive Cyber Strategy: Formation and Its Impacts, China International Studies, No.1, 2014
Pan Yaling, A Set of Strategic Goals: American Strategy Selection on Coping with Hegemonic Decline, Foreign Affairs Observer, Vol.3, 2014
Shen Dingli, Changing Security Environment in Northeast Asia and the Trust-building Process on the Korean Peninsula, The Trust-building Process and Korean Unification: KINU Unification Forum 2013, Korea Institute for National Unification, 2014.

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.