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Wang Xiaofeng, The Influence of U.S. National Security Sectors on Foreign Policy-Making Decisions, in Zhou Qi eds. The U.S. Foreign Policy-making Process, China Social Sciences Press, 2011
Wei Zongyou, International Agenda Setting: A Theoretical Framework, World Economics and Politics, Vol.10, 2011
Wei Zongyou, Informal Grouping, the Concert, and Global Governance, Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.6, 2010
Wei Zongyou, The Group Rise of the Emerging Powers and Global Governance Reform, Peace, No.6, 2011
Xu Yihua, Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy after the Cold War, In Case of the "Sudan Movement" Revolted by American Religious Group, Social Sciences in China, Vol.5, 2011
Tu Yichao, Contemporary Christian Missionary Movement and Identity Politics, World Economics and Politics, No. 9, 2011
Wu Xinbo, The Importance of Facilitating Sound China-U.S. Interactions in the Asia-Pacific Region, China International Studies, Vol.5, 2011
Song Guoyou, The Adjustment of Obama Administration's Economic Strategy and Its Impact on China, Journal of Fudan University, Vol.3, 2011
Xu Yihua, Connection Between Religion and International Relations in Perspective of the Era of Gloablization, World Economics and Politics, Vol.9, 2011
Pan Yaling, The Economic Nationalism in U.S.' China Policy, Fudan American Review, No.1, 2011
Pan Yaling, On the Viability of the Westphalia System in Globalization Era, Teaching and Research, No.7, 2011
Tu Yichao, The Global Reach of American Church and Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy, Fudan American Review, No.1, 2011
Wu Xinbo, Building Closer Ties: Economic Regionalism's Impact on Security, Global Asia, Vol. 6, Summer 2011
Song Guoyou, Research Methods, Political Consciousness and Chinese Orientation in International Trade Politics, International Politics Quarterly, Vol.2, 2011
Wu Xinbo, China and the United States: Core Interests, Common Interests, and Partnership, Special Report 277, June 2011, U.S. Institute of Peace
Xu Yihua, Religious Factor and the Current China-U.S. Relations, China International Studies, Vol 4,2011

2005- ©Center for American Studies,Fudan University.